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because it doesn't have sound waves

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No atmosphere and air molecules to carry sound waves. Sound requires a medium, like air, to travel through, and since the moon lacks an atmosphere, sound cannot be heard there.

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Q: No sound can be heard on moon because it has?
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Why can't sounds be heard on the moon?

Sounds cannot be heard on the moon because it has no atmosphere to transmit sound waves. In order for sound to be heard, it needs a medium to travel through, like air on Earth. Since the moon has no atmosphere, there is no medium for sound waves to travel through, thus making it impossible to hear sounds on the moon.

First song played on the moon?

No drums can not be heard on the moon as the moon does not have any wind or breeze totake the sound anywhere. No drums can not be heard on the moon as the moon does not have any wind or breeze totake the sound anywhere.

If you scream on the moon can it be heard on earth?

No it can not be heard on earth because for a scream to travel as sound waves air is required and there is no air on the moon or between the earth and the moon. However if you were in a space suit with a working radio and screamed on the moon, that could be heard on earth because radio waves do not need air to travel in.

Why can sound not be heard directly on the surface of moon?

They can; the Apollo moon landing heard the sound of hammering, among other things. See link below.

Can an explosion be heard on the surface of the moon?

No, an explosion on the moon would not be heard due to the lack of atmosphere. Sound waves need a medium like air to travel through, which is absent on the moon.

Why moon is called a quiet place?

The moon is often referred to as a quiet place because it has no atmosphere to carry sound waves. This means that there is no medium for sound to travel through, so any noise made on the moon would not be heard. As a result, the environment on the moon is typically described as silent and tranquil.

Will sound travel on the moon?

no because there is no air particles on the moon

Why cant sound travel on the moon?

Sound can travel on the moon because there is no atmosphere. Space is a vacuum that does not allow sound to travel.

What does the moon sound like?

The moon does not make any sound as there is no medium for sound to travel in space. Any sound you hear associated with the moon in media or movies is purely fictional.

Can you hear the sound of meteorite falling on moon?

we canot hear because sound travel in waves. on moon there is no atmosphere

Can dogs hear the sound of the moon?

No. Sound needs something to travel through, air or a solid structure. There's a fair bit of nothing between the Moon and the Earth, so there's nothing from the Moon that can be heard on Earth by anyone.

A gun fired from moon can be heard at a distance of?

It is not possible to hear a gun fired from the moon on Earth due to the vacuum of space, which does not transmit sound waves. Sound requires a medium, such as air, to travel through, and the moon lacks the necessary atmosphere for sound to propagate.