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There are many methods of exploring space. Most of them are actually based on Sci Fi movies such as Star Trek Or Star Wars. Scientists are researching different ways to get speeds of exploration devices closer and closer to the speed of light, the fastest (to my knowledge) spacecraft to date is headed for Pluto at 11 Meters Per Second. That's 39,600 Km/H(the unmanned craft is predicted to reach Pluto in 24 years from now). The Speed Of Light is nearly 500 Times that fast. There are also methods of the Wormhole Technique, this is when you take two things that are this far apart (

) and taking a shortcut through either a man-made black hole or an existing one and shortening the distance to about this long ( ). This shortens the time it takes to get from Point A to Point B, which technically increases speed, without using any more energy.

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People explore space using a variety of technologies such as rockets, spacecraft, telescopes, and rovers. They launch missions to explore planets, moons, asteroids, and other celestial bodies, collecting data and conducting experiments to better understand the universe. Astronauts also play a key role in space exploration by conducting research on the International Space Station and other space missions.

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Is it ever right to go to space?

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