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No, White fluffy clouds (Cumulus clouds) do not usually cause rain. usually rain clouds are dark.

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6mo ago

White fluffy clouds, known as cumulus clouds, do not bring rain on their own. Rain typically falls from higher-level clouds such as nimbostratus or cumulonimbus clouds, which have more moisture and larger vertical development. Cumulus clouds may eventually develop into rain-producing clouds if they continue to grow and merge with other clouds.

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Q: Is white fluffy clouds rain
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What words describe the clouds?

Fluffy, white, like cotton wool, grey, dark, rain clouds.

When was White Fluffy Clouds created?

White Fluffy Clouds was created in 2003.

What type of clouds are white and fluffy like cotton ballsWhat type of clouds are white and fluffy like cotton balls?

Cumulus clouds A+

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What are the different clouds in the sky?

Some common types of clouds include cumulus (fluffy and white), cirrus (thin and wispy), stratus (layered and smooth), and nimbus (dark and rain-bearing). Each type of cloud can indicate different weather patterns or changes.

What adjectives describe clouds?

Fluffy, billowy, and ethereal are common adjectives used to describe clouds.

What type of cloud is fluffy and low?

The type of cloud that is fluffy and low is called a cumulus cloud. These clouds often resemble cotton balls and usually form at lower altitudes in the atmosphere. They are commonly associated with fair weather.

What type of cloud is white and fluffy?

regular clouds

Can you tell a storm is coming by the clouds?

yes certian clouds tell us wether there will be a storm or not. like if you see a dark gray cloud it will most likely rain. if they are fluffy and white it MIGHT rain... like a thirty % chance it will. if there are no clouds then no way will it rain unless it changes in like five seconds. =)

Can it rain but white clouds no rain clouds?

Yes, it is possible for it to rain even if there are white clouds in the sky instead of the typical dark rain clouds. Rain formation can be influenced by various factors such as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric conditions, not just the appearance of clouds.

What cloud is white fluffy masses with flat bases?

Cumulus clouds are white, fluffy clouds with flat bases. They are often seen on fair weather days and are commonly referred to as "puffy" clouds.

What is a white fluffy cloud?

White fluufy clouds are like they say on the tin