

Is torch light a luminous object?

Updated: 6/28/2024
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14y ago

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No, a torch light is not a luminous object. The light emitted by the torch is produced by the conversion of electrical energy to light energy, rather than emitting light through its own chemical reactions like a luminous object would.

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Q: Is torch light a luminous object?
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What are example of luminous objects?

Luminous objects are those that emit their own light. Examples of such objects include the following; the sun, lightened candle, stars, torch bulb and Hydrogen atoms.A luminous object is an object that gives off light. Here are some examples; A light bulb, torch, match, sun, lit candle.

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because it has light

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sun (a luminous object) emits its own light and the moon ( a non luminous object ) reflects the light from the sun to earth that's how we can see the moon. The same way gold is a non luminous object.

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because there is no light for it to reflect off

Does a luminous object produce its own light?

Yes, a luminous object produces its own light through a process like combustion or nuclear fusion, generating energy that emits as visible light. On the other hand, non-luminous objects only reflect light from an external source.

Is fire a luminous object or an illuminated object?

yes it is because they go BOOM in the sky.... I love you Maddie and maygen

What is an object that does not give out light called?

An object that does not give out light is called a non-luminous object. This means that the object does not emit its own light but rather reflects light from another source. An example of a non-luminous object is a table.

Why is it that you can't see a non-luminous object if there is no luminous object present?

because there is no light reflecting off of the non-luminous object into your eyes to let you see it.

What is lumineous objects?

A luminous object is an object that can reflect light! examples of these objects are the moon, etc. hope that helped :)

What is the difference between a luminous objects and a illuminated object?

An illuminated object reflects light that came from somewhere else. A luminous object emitts its own light.

Is a lighted candle an example of a luminous object?

Luminous objects are the objects that responsible for our vision and omit their own light. Stars, radium, LED, and sparks are some of example of artificial luminous object.

Is a burning candle luminous?

Yes, a burning candle is luminous because it produces its own light through the process of combustion. The flame emits light and heat as a result of the energy released during the burning of the candle wax.