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The atmosphere has the same amount of oxygen today as it did 1000 years ago. Although oxygen gets used up in various ways, through fire and through metabolism, oxygen is constantly being released into the atmosphere by green plants.

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2mo ago

The overall oxygen levels on Earth have remained relatively stable over the last 1000 years. However, localized factors such as deforestation and air pollution can affect oxygen levels in specific areas.

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How does the atmosphere composition today compare with the air 1000 years ago?

The composition of the atmosphere today is different compared to 1000 years ago due to human activities. The increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide has led to global warming and climate change. This change in composition is impacting the Earth's climate and ecosystem.

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It all depends on how much oxygen they can take in. For instance, when oxygen was supremely abundant millions of years ago, bugs were HUGE, but with less oxygen today, it would be harmful for bugs to grow that big outside of movies.

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No, there is not less oxygen in our atmosphere now than there was 20 years ago. The composition of Earth's atmosphere, which is primarily made up of nitrogen and oxygen, has remained relatively stable over the last few decades.

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