Still alive people still alive!
She is alive.
Buzz Aldrin is still alive as of September 2021.
No, Neil Armstrong passed away on August 25, 2012, and Buzz Aldrin is still alive as of September 2021.
Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin was born on January 20 1930. He is still alive.
Yes, he is still alive.
His third wife, Elaine.
No Peter Davison is still alive.
No, he died sometime in the 1990's.
If you are refering to Konohamaru, he is still alive
Robert Oppenheimer died in 1967.
No. He is alive and well, and still acting. Just not as the Doctor.
Yes, he is alive and well and on tour internationally through March of this year.
One. Fred, the third boy.
yes.if he wouldn't have let him take it he would still be alive.