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Q: Is the sun blue in color?
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The color is blue because in the sun it turns blue

Why is the sun the color blue?

because the sky rubbed of its color onto the sun... also, the big elephant helped by biting it when it had the blue-color-disease

Does blue attract the sun?

No. No color attracts the sun or sunlight.

What is the name of the eighth planet from the sun and has a blue color?

The eighth planet from the sun is Neptune, and it is known for its beautiful blue color.

Why is the blue sun blue?

The color of the Sun is because of temperature of the heat produced by the Sun. If it was hotter or colder, it would product slightly different color. Some of invisible colors of the Sun is blocked by atmosphere.

What is tiger color?

blue as the sun.

Is the eight planet from the sun and has a blue color?

The eighth planet from the sun is Neptune. It is a gas giant with a blue color due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere, which absorbs red light and reflects blue light.

Why is blue so blue?

Blue is blue because things that are blue actually repel the frequency of light from the sun that would appear blue. Because that is the only color light that is reflected, that is the only color that we see. Things that are blue are actually every color BUT blue!

What does sky blu look like?

The color sky blue is a lighter shade of blue. The color is called sky blue because it is to resemble to same color as the sky. When the sun is out the sky is a beautiful shade of blue.

Does the sun produce blue light?

Yes. The sun produces light across the entire visible spectrum. Its just that the yellow is most apparent. If the sun didn't produce blue light we wouldn't be able to see the color blue by sunlight..

Is the color of the sun red orange?

Yes, the color of the sun as seen on Earth is yellowish, orange, or red. The color is caused by the scattering of the blue and violet light by our atmosphere, which is how the sky gets its blue color. Sunlight is actually "white" (a mixture of all colors). But much of the Sun's visible radiation is in the mid-range of colors (green) so that the scattering of the blue gives it the yellow color seen in photographs.

Why is the sun not blue?

The color of the Sun is because of temperature of the heat produced by the Sun. If it was hotter or colder, it would product slightly different color. Some of invisible colors of the Sun is blocked by atmosphere.