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Let's see...the life sequence for a YELLOW DWARF star, like our little G2, will see it become a red giant in a few billion years, probably consuming everything out to the orbit of Earth and not doing any favors to what's left of the solar system. So, in a way, its a red giant in the making. But its too small to ever be a neutron star. So, its a yellow star today, but someday will be a red giant. That's 3, maybe 4 billion years from now, so the yellow star will still be there for a very long time to come.

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If you have ever seen the sun you will know that it is yellow - it is not red or white or a neutron star.

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Q: Is the sun a yellow star a neutron star white dwarf or red giant?
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The five main groups of stars are main sequence stars, giant stars, supergiant stars, white dwarf stars, and neutron stars. These groups are classified based on their size, temperature, and stage in their life cycle.

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In short... Nebula of gases --> Protostar --> Brown Dwarf --> Yellow Star --> Blue Giant --> Blue Super Giant --> Red Super Giant --> Super Nova --> Black Hole/Neutron Star/White Dwarf You should note that at any time in the life cycle of a star it may simply run out of fuel and then fade into a white dwarf. Interesting side-note if our sun should evolve into a blue giant it would eliminate all life on earth and if our sun were to run out of fuel and turn into a white dwarf it would eliminate all life on earth. Food for thought :)

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