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Yes, the space shuttle is louder than a typical jet engine. During launch, the space shuttle's main engines produce around 200 decibels of sound, whereas a jet engine typically generates around 140 decibels.

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Yes, space shuttles were designed to be reusable for multiple missions. They were launched into space, landed back on Earth, and then refurbished for another mission. However, the space shuttle program has been retired, and new vehicles like SpaceX's Crew Dragon are now used for space missions.

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Is a jet faster than a space shuttle?

Yes, a jet is faster than a space shuttle in terms of atmospheric flight, traveling at speeds up to around 600-700 mph, while a space shuttle travels at speeds up to around 17,500 mph in space.

What is a sentence using Space Shuttle?

The Space Shuttle was the first US spacecraft built to accommodate more than 3 astronauts. After the retirement of the Space Shuttle, most cargo is carried to the ISS by unmanned rockets.

How long does it take for the space shuttle to get to the moon?

The space shuttle does not travel to the moon. The Apollo missions used spacecraft, not space shuttles, to travel to the moon. It took the Apollo missions around 3 days to travel from Earth to the moon.