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No. While the moon plays an essential role to life on Earth, it is not the source of it.

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Q: Is the moon your life source?
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What is the source of the word moon?

what is the source if the word moon

Why does the moon not have a source life?

it does not have life because it has no atmosphere and no gravity. If it did it would just burn up or float up into space.

What is the source word of the word moon?

what is the source if the word moon

Is life on the moon?

No there is no life on Moon

Is the sun or moon the major source of tides?

The moon

What is a source of the Moon's light called?

Our sun is the source.

Does the moon have a food source?

yes the moon does have a food source- cheese. what else are the aliens going to eat?

Can you explain why the moon is not a source of light?

The moon is not a source of light because it simply reflects the suns light, therefore it is not a direct source of light

Can there be any life on the moon?

there can not be life on the moon

What is the source of the moon light?

The source is actually from the Sun. The Sun;s rays bounce off the moon and it goes to the Earth

Is moon source of light?

No. The moon reflects light off the sun.

Why does the moon shine if it is not a light source?

The Moon reflects the light of the Sun.