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No, it is a spiral galaxy.

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Gonzalo Abernathy

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2y ago
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Q: Is the Milky Way galaxy irregular?
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Is the Milky Way is an irregular galaxy?


Is the Milky Way a irregular galaxy?

No, it is a spiral galaxy.

What is the difference between the Milky Way and an Irregular Galaxy?

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy with a defined shape and structure, while irregular galaxies lack a symmetrical shape or structure. Irregular galaxies may have no distinct pattern, such as arms or a central bulge, unlike the Milky Way. Irregular galaxies also tend to have higher rates of star formation compared to spiral galaxies like the Milky Way.

What is the relationship between the open cluster and milky way?

The Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral galaxy and open clusters are only found in spiral or irregular galaxies.

Is the milky way the same as the spiral galaxy?

The "Milky Way" is the name given to the galaxy in which we reside. The Milky Way is classified as a barred spiral galaxy type; a spiral galaxy with a central bar shaped structure composed of stars. The main galaxy classifications are spiral, elliptical and irregular .

The Milky Way is one?

The Milky way is a galaxy. A spiral galaxy, to be more precise.The Milky way is a galaxy. A spiral galaxy, to be more precise.The Milky way is a galaxy. A spiral galaxy, to be more precise.The Milky way is a galaxy. A spiral galaxy, to be more precise.

What galaxy is called the Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is.... called the Milky Way Galaxy

What is the galaxy of milky way?

The Milky Way is a galaxy, is is our galaxy

Is the Milky Way Galaxy an Elliptical galaxy?

No. The Milky Way is believed to be a barred spiral galaxy.

Which is the largest earth or mars or milky way or galaxy?

Galaxy and Milky Way (The milky Way IS a galaxy)EarthMars.

How is your galaxy similar to other galaxies?

our galaxy the milky way is one of several shapes in the entire universe.All galixys contain clouds of dust that are formed by the galaxy and they also have different shapes.our milky way is a spiral shaped.another could be irregular.

What type of galaxy is the?

There are three main types: spiral, elliptical and irregular.