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Intensity is independent of the wavelength/frequency.

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No, violet light is more intense than red light. Intensity is determined by the energy of the photons in the light wave, with violet light having higher energy photons compared to red light.

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Q: Is red light more intense than violet light?
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Why sky appear blue not violet?

The earth's atmosphere scatters sunlight in all directions, which is why the sky appears blue to our eyes. This scattering effect is stronger for shorter wavelengths of light, such as blue and violet, but blue light is scattered more efficiently than violet light due to its longer wavelength, resulting in the sky appearing blue.

What is the area beyond the color violet called?

The area beyond the color violet in the visible light spectrum is called ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than visible light, and is invisible to the human eye.

Does the moon gets more light from the sun than the earth does?

Since the moon does not have an atmosphere, the sunlight that reaches the surface of the moon is more intense than the sunlight that reaches the surface of the Earth after passing through the Earth's atmosphere.

If light from one star is 40times more intense than light from another star what is their difference in magnitudes?

The magnitude difference between the two stars is 2.5 * log(40) = 4.0 magnitudes.

What are the waves from the sun called?

The energy radiated from the sun is in the form of electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic waves. The waves are noticed on Earth as visible light, as ultra-violet (light that is at a higher frequency than we can see) and infra-red (light that is at a lower frequency than we can see). Although the radiation is far more than just the range of visible light, we normally refer to the radiation as "sunlight"

Related questions

Why won't a very bright beam of red light impart more energy to an ejected electron than a feeble beam of violet light?

The energy of a photon is determined by its frequency, not its intensity. Violet light has a higher frequency than red light, which means each violet photon carries more energy. Thus, even though the red beam may be more intense, the individual photons in the violet beam can still impart more energy to the ejected electron.

Why does violet light has more energy than a red light?

Violet light has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than red light. Energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency, so violet light has more energy than red light.

What travels more slowly in glass red light or violet?

Red light travels more slowly in glass than violet light. This is because the speed of light in a medium is inversely proportional to its wavelength, and red light has a longer wavelength compared to violet light.

Why is the photoelectric effect more effective with violet light than with red light?

Violet light has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength compared to red light, which means each violet photon carries more energy. This higher energy of violet light photons allows them to more easily overcome the work function of the material and eject electrons, making the photoelectric effect more effective with violet light than with red light.

Is red or violet light diffracted most?

Violet light is diffracted more than red light because shorter wavelengths are diffracted more than longer wavelengths.

Why is frequency of red greater than violet?

The frequency of red light is lower than the frequency of violet light. This is because red light has a longer wavelength, which corresponds to a lower frequency. This difference in frequency is what causes red light to be more common than violet light in natural light sources.

Does UV radiation have more energy than violet light?

Yes, UV radiation has more energy than violet light. UV radiation has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than violet light, which results in more energy per photon.

Why does violet light have more ener than red light?

Violet light has more energy than red light because it has a shorter wavelength. In the electromagnetic spectrum, energy is directly proportional to frequency and inversely proportional to wavelength. Since violet light has a shorter wavelength, it has a higher frequency and therefore more energy compared to red light.

When red light is compared with violet light what happens?

Red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency compared to violet light. This results in red light having lower energy than violet light. In terms of human perception, red light appears less energetic and more calming compared to the higher energy and stimulating violet light.

What refracts more red or violet?

Violet light refracts more than red light because violet light has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency, causing it to bend more when passing through a medium. This is known as dispersion, where different colors of light are separated due to their different wavelengths.

What type of light is scattered the most in your atmosphere?

Here on earth it is violet wavelengths that scatter the most, however the earth's sun emits more blue light than violet so blue wavelengths are scattered more frequently than violet wavelengths.

Does the red light has more then the viloet light?

No, violet light has a higher frequency and energy than red light. This means that violet light has shorter wavelengths and higher energy photons compared to red light.