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A nova [see related question] is an explosion around an existing stellar remnant. Although brighter than a lot of stars, they are not very long lived.

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No, a nova is not a star itself, but rather an astronomical event that occurs on the surface of a star. A nova is a sudden, temporary increase in brightness caused by the explosion of material on the surface of a white dwarf star.

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Q: Is nova a bright star
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What happens to a nova star after it becomes so bright?

after a nova star becomes bright it turns into a dwarf and explodes.

A new star which has become suddenly bright?


How did the TV Show Nova get its name?

The name "Nova" is used in two senses, both because Nova is a science program. Nova means "new" in its original sense and was later adopted by astronomers to describe a bright, exploding star.

How can you use the word nova in a sentence?

This refers to a star near the end of its life. Here are some sentences.The astronomer studied the nova.The star suddenly flared brightly; it had gone nova.A nova often collapses into a black hole or a white dwarf.

What is an explosion seen when a white dwarf captures H from a companion star?

When a white dwarf star accretes hydrogen from a companion star, it can trigger a runaway nuclear fusion reaction that causes a sudden and bright increase in brightness called a nova. This explosion is not as powerful as a supernova, and the white dwarf usually survives to potentially experience multiple nova events.

Has there ever been a record of a star that popped in the sky as a new star?

Yes, this has happened several times. However, it isn't a NEW star, but an old one dying. During the middle ages, some observers would rarely observe a star, sometimes quite bright, appear where no star had been seen before. They called this a "nova stellarum", or "new star". Typically, the "nova stellarum" would be visible for several weeks and would then fade from view. In one case, the "new star" was so bright as to be visible during the day! We now know that this "nova" wasn't a NEW star; it was a titanic explosion of an old star that had been too dim to be visible, blowing itself apart.

What would happen if the sun became a nova?

If the sun were to undergo a nova event, it would expel its outer layers into space, creating a bright explosion. This would not result in the complete destruction of the sun, but it would significantly alter its appearance and affect the surrounding planets in the solar system.

What kind of nova is called a new star?

A nova is a sudden, bright outburst of a star that occurs due to the accumulation of hydrogen on the surface of a white dwarf star in a binary star system. While novae can appear as "new stars" in the sky because of their sudden increase in brightness, they are not actually new stars forming, but rather the result of a specific stellar phenomenon.

Who was the first person to discover a nova?

The first recorded observation of a nova is attributed to the Chinese astronomers in 185 AD, who observed a bright "guest star" in the sky. However, there may have been earlier instances of novae that went unrecorded.

How do you say bright star in navajo?

Star in Navajo is: sǫʼTo be bright : bits'ádi ńdíínBright star (star it is bright): sǫʼ bits'ádi ńdíín

Was the Christmas star really a star?

There is a lot of speculation about this; some believe it may have been a Nova star or Supernova; others favour the theory that it was a planetary alignment which might have appeared like a very bright star. Another possibility was that it was actually a comet.There is no firm evidence for any of these theories.

What is a star formed from a super nova?

A Neutron Star