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dear,mass is constant through out the doesn't matter u travel from one galaxy to other it will remain constant unless u travel with significantly high speeds comparable to speed of light.thats what Einstein's theory says.

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Q: Is it true that an astronauts mass is less on the moon than on the earth?
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Why do astronauts weigh less on the Moon than on the Earth?

Astronauts weigh less on the Moon than on Earth because the Moon has less mass and gravity than Earth. The gravitational force on the Moon is about 1/6th that of Earth, so objects (including astronauts) weigh less on the Moon due to this weaker gravity.

Why are astronauts lighter on the moon than on earth?

Astronauts are lighter on the moon because the moon has less mass than Earth, which results in weaker gravitational pull. This weaker gravity causes objects to weigh less on the moon compared to Earth.

Did the astronauts on the Moon's mass change?

The astronauts' mass did not change when they were on the Moon. Mass remains constant regardless of location. However, their weight would have been less on the Moon due to its lower gravity compared to Earth.

Astronauts weigh less on the moon than on earth because?

Astronauts weigh less on the moon than on Earth because the moon has less mass and gravity compared to Earth. The gravitational force on the moon is only about one-sixth of that on Earth, leading to lower weight for objects or people on the lunar surface.

Why do the astronauts feel smaller gravity forces on the moon than on earth?

Astronauts feel smaller gravity forces on the moon than on Earth because the moon has less mass and therefore weaker gravity. The force of gravity is directly related to an object's mass, so the moon's lower mass results in weaker gravitational pull on its surface compared to Earth.

Can Astronauts jump high on the moon because the moon has less mass than the earth?

Yes, astronauts can jump higher on the moon than on Earth because the moon has lower gravity due to its smaller mass. This means there is less force pulling them back down, allowing them to achieve greater heights with their jumps.

Why do astronauts weigh less on the moon then they do on earth?

because of gravity

Why doesnt the moon have enough gravity on it to pull us down?

It does. Astronauts on the moon can jump higher than they do on Earth but they still come back down. The moon's gravity is weaker than Earth's because the moon has less mass.

Why is a persons weight different on earth than on the moon?

The gravity is less on the Moon, because the Moon is smaller than earth; it has less mass, and therefore "sucks" less than the earth. Weight is gravity times mass, you have the same mass on Earth and on the Moon (and in space), but weigh less on the moon.

Why do astronauts weigh Less on moon than they do on earth?

Because the moon's gravity is approximately 1/6th of that on Earth.

Why is the gravity on the moon less than on the earth?

because the moon has less mass then earth

Why is there less or no gravity on the moon then there is on earth?

There is gravity on the moon. It is about on sixth what it is on Earth. This is because the moon has less mass than Earth does.