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2mo ago

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant even if you have had light spotting for a week. Spotting can sometimes occur during early pregnancy due to implantation bleeding or hormonal changes. However, spotting can also be caused by other factors, so it's important to take a pregnancy test to confirm.

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Q: Is it possible to be pregnant if you have had light spotting for a week?
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What is my chances of getting pregnant 1 week after my period and my bf cums inside of me then you had light spotting?

Spotting can possibly be a symptom of pregnancy.

9 weeks pregnant and bleeding and spotting for a week?

Spotting can be normal in a pregnancy, but if you have a lot of bleeding call you Dr. ASAP. However, even for light spotting you should go to the walk in clinic today. Good luck

You think you might be a week pregnant but started spotting can you still be pregnant?

If you are looking "not to be pregnant" you are probably in luck. Spotting is an early indication of a late period, in your case.

What does it mean if you bleed again about a week after you end your period?

Honey, it's called a spotting. It's completely normal. If you have had sex, it's possible you may be pregnant.

1 week late and spotting what is this?

You could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test

Im spotting brown and im only one week and one day?

One week and one day from your ovulation day ? Then it can be implantation spotting! That is a good indicator that you have conceived! One week and one day pregnant? Please contact your midwife if you are spotting when pregnant, although it might be harmless it is best to ask a professional about it. All the best to you!

Could you be experiencing implantation bleeding if you started spotting dark brown and light red an entire week before you should start your period?

Yes its possible.

Is it possible to get pregnant at 1 week?

No clue as to what your questioning is asking,yeah you can have sex and be pregnant in a week,that means your a week pregnant.

I still have a week before my period but I have had sore breast for over 2 weeks now also light nausea 1 spotting incident im super tired light cramping I are very irregular could I be pregnant?

yes, its possible. some woman can get symptoms early as 2 weeks even sooner

I have been spotting for a week very light brown discharge very sore breasts and cramps but no period what are the possibilities?

Have you been having sex? You could be pregnant. If your period is late, you should test.

Is it possible to get pregnant a week after a miscarriage?

Yes it is.

Your period is regular but this month you had a brown and turns red spotting 1 week before your period you did a test but it is negative Im not delayed now but it is possible that you are pregnant?

Yes it maybe possible that you are pregnant because sometimes the spotting can be a result of the embryo attaching its self to your womb. If you are so regular then i advise you to take a test A.S.A.P Also you may of done the test too early so i would do another one