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yes,it will reduce your eyesight power and all the bright colors appear to be dark for you.

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Q: Is it dangerous to stare at the color white for too long?
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What is brighter white or neon yellow?

Obviously Neon Yellow because the Sun's color resembles Neon Yellow and you can't stare at all all day. Whereas paper is white but u can stare at it all day long without hurting ur eyes.

How can you describe the color blue without referring to the sky or the sea or any other blue thing?

Blue is a primary color in the visible spectrum. It is often associated with calmness, serenity, and depth.

What happens if you stare at one color for a long time?

Staring at one color for a long time can result in a phenomenon called afterimage, where the image of the color remains temporarily if you look away. Prolonged exposure to a single color can also lead to eye strain or fatigue, causing discomfort or headaches. It is generally recommended to give your eyes breaks and allow them to rest by looking at different colors or objects.

How long can you stare at something?

you can stare at some thing for 1min

Is it bad to stare at the color green for too long?

If something is particularly bright (eg the sun), then it could be potentially harmful to the eyes. However, just staring at a particular color would not be harmful if it is dark or subdued enough.

What color are orange blooms?

An Orange Blossom's petals are white with long white pistils and yellow stigmas.

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What is the difference between a look and a stare?

a look is just looking and a stare is looking at the same thing for a long time

A student adds iodine to egg white and waits for a color change. How long will the student have to wait?

Not long...

How long can owls stare for?

It depends on what type of Owl it is

What happens if to you if you stare at the sun for to long?

Staring at the sun for too long can cause damage to your eyes, leading to vision problems or even permanent vision loss. It can result in conditions like solar retinopathy, where the cells in your retina are damaged by the sun's rays. It's important to protect your eyes from direct sunlight and use proper eyewear if needed.

Can crest 3d white mouthwash get rid of pimples?

yes as long as it is the white paste and does not have any stripes of different color in it.