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Q: Is earth bigger than the Andromeda Galaxy?
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Is the Andromeda Galaxy Bigger Than A Universe?

No, the Andromeda Galaxy is not bigger than the universe. The universe is vast and contains billions of galaxies, including the Andromeda Galaxy. The universe is much larger in scale and encompasses everything that exists.

Is the Andromeda galaxy older than the milky way?

Yes, the Andromeda galaxy is thought to be older than the Milky Way. Astronomers estimate that Andromeda formed around 10 billion years ago, making it older than the Milky Way, which is estimated to be around 13.6 billion years old.

What is bigger the sun or the Andromeda galaxy?

Lmao, 220,000ly gaalxy vs. a dwarf star that has a diameter of 1.3mln km lmao it's obvious Andromeda is a bigger

What is bigger an Andromeda galaxy or the sun?

A galaxy is many many times larger than one sun.

Is Andromeda galaxy bigger than a galaxy cluster?

A galaxy cluster consists of several galaxy groups, each of which in turn contains several galaxies. So no; a galaxy cluster is MUCH bigger than any individual galaxy.

How large is the Andromeda Galaxy?

M31 diameter is 220,000ly, Milky Way diameter is 258,000ly, according to newest observations, we are almost 2x more massive

How far from earth is the farthest star on the Andromeda galaxy?

Just about as far as the closest star in the Andromeda Galaxy. The diameter of the Andromeda galaxy is ... well, quite huge, but still relatively small, compared to the distance between us and the Andromeda Galaxy. And I believe this diameter may still be smaller than the uncertainty in the distance estimate!

How far is the star on near side of Andromeda galaxy?

The distance to the Andromeda Galaxy is estimated at 2.5 million light-years. The distinction between "near side" and "far side" is irrelevant, since the diameter of the Andromeda Galaxy is probably less than the error in the distance estimation.

Is there any galaxy that is bigger than Andromeda galaxy?

Yes.The only ones I know is IC 1101 and Messier 87.The Andromeda galaxy is twice the size of our Milky Way.The Andromeda is 260,000 light years across,while the Milky Way is 100,000 light years across.A light year is 5,878,499,812,499 miles.

What is our name of the galaxy?

Our galaxy is called milky-way. It had different kinds of stars, planets and super no a. It had hundreds to billions of stars in here Andromeda is more bigger than our galaxy, milky-way. Scientist says that milky-way and Andromeda will collide and will formed milkdromeda.

Is the earth bigger than the milky way?

No, the Milkey Way is the galaxy that Earth is in.

Does the Andromeda galaxy have more than 600 billion stars?

Yes. The Andromeda Galaxy is estimated to contain about 1 trillion stars.