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Yes, a star is a glowing sphere of hot gas.

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Q: Is a star a glowing sphere of hot gas?
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A star is a bright glowing sphere of hot?

A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. Stars are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, and they generate energy through nuclear fusion in their cores. The intense heat and pressure at the core of a star produce light and heat that radiate outwards, making stars appear bright and glowing.

What is sun made off?

The sun is a huge, glowing sphere of hot gas. Most of this gas is hydrogen around 70% and helium around 28% also Carbon and nitrogen

What are hot ball of glowing gas?


What is a hot ball glowing gas?

There a number of definintions. Fireball/ Plasma which occures during a fierce electrical storm. A Star like our Sun

What is the sun made off?

The sun is a huge, glowing sphere of hot gas. Most of this gas is hydrogen around 70% and helium around 28% also Carbon and nitrogen

What is a plantary nebual?

A planetary nebula is a glowing shell of gas and dust formed by a star shedding its outer layers at the end of its life. Despite its name, it has nothing to do with planets. The glowing gas is illuminated by the hot core of the star left behind, known as a white dwarf.

What is a hot ball of glowing gasses in space called?

A star

What is the largest ball of hot gas in the solar system?

The largest ball of hot gas in the solar system is the Sun. It is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma that provides light and heat to the planets in our solar system.

What shape are star?

Stars are spherical in shape. They are balls of hot gas. If a star is spinning fast enough, it will bulge a bit around the middle, but it will still be pretty close to a sphere.

How does a star look up close?

Up close, a star appears as a glowing sphere of hot gases undergoing nuclear fusion. The surface may show sunspots, prominences, and flares. Stars can vary in size, color, and temperature, leading to a diverse array of appearances.