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its really both, it goes up like a rocket and comes down like a plane

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Q: Is a space shuttle more like a rocket or a plane?
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What is spaceshuttle?

The space shuttle is the Modern day rocket that carries astronauts into space. It looks like a plane.

What s a reusable vehicle that takes off like a rocket and land like a plane?

Space shuttle (retired).

What is the definition of a space shuttle?

A space shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that is designed to carry astronauts and cargo into space. It is capable of launching like a rocket, orbiting Earth like a spacecraft, and landing like an airplane. The most well-known space shuttle program was operated by NASA from 1981 to 2011.

What is a space shuttle and how does it differ from other spacecraft?

A space shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that can launch into space and return to Earth like an airplane. It differs from other spacecraft in its ability to land like a plane on a runway, making it easier to refurbish and reuse for future missions. Other spacecraft, like capsules, typically land in the ocean.

What does the space shuttle look like?

The space shuttle had three main components: the orbiter, external tank, and solid rocket boosters. The orbiter had wings and resembled a plane. The external tank was a large orange tank, and the solid rocket boosters were two white rocket boosters attached to the sides.

What is the difference between a space station and the space shuttle?

A space station is a large spacecraft designed to remain in space for long periods of time and serve as an orbiting habitat for astronauts. In contrast, the space shuttle was a reusable spacecraft that could launch from Earth, carry astronauts and cargo to space, and then return to Earth. The space shuttle was retired in 2011, while space stations like the International Space Station continue to be used for long-term missions.

Can a space shuttle take off from a runway?

No, space shuttles require a large amount of thrust to launch into space so they typically take off vertically from a launch pad. They are not designed for takeoff from a runway like an airplane.

What is a type of rocket that lands like an airplane?

The space shuttle Is a type of rocket that lands like an airplane.

Disadvantages of space shuttle?

Some disadvantages of the space shuttle program include high costs, limited payload capacity, safety concerns due to the inherent risk of space travel, and the shuttle's complex and maintenance-intensive design.

What blasts off like a rocket but lands like an airplane?

Space Shuttle

What blasts off like a rocket and lands like an airplane?

Space shuttle!

What is the different between a space rocket and a space shuttle?

A space rocket is a type of vehicle used to propel spacecraft into space, while a space shuttle refers to a specific type of spacecraft that can carry crew and cargo to and from space. Space shuttles are reusable vehicles that are launched like a rocket but land like an airplane.