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Much Much Much bigger. But the Sun will turn into a Red-Giant in a couple billion years.

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Q: Is a red giant bigger then the sun?
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How would you know if the sun burned out?

it would be red , bigger , and and grow until it is a red giant , a red super giant , or a hyper-giant

How big is a red giant?

A red giant will be about 10 to a 100 times bigger than our Sun. However that is just a red giant. A red supergiant will be about 100 to 1,500 times bigger than the Sun, whereas a red hypergiant will be anything greater that 1,500 times that of the Sun - Like VY Canis Majoris.

Is a red giant star larger then the sun?

Yes because the Sun is not a giant so all giants are bigger than the Sun.

What star much is bigger than your sun?

A Red Giant would be one larger than our sun.

Why did the sun get bigger?

As the sun ages, it swells and expands into a red giant because it is burning through its hydrogen fuel and converting it into helium. This causes the outer layers of the sun to expand before eventually contracting into a white dwarf.

What is the name of the giant red star that is much bigger than your sun?

A Red Giant Stars that are much bigger than the sun are the giants and of course the super giants, which are the stars with the biggest size. If you want a specific one, Betelgeuse or Antares would be good choices.

How big is a red giant compared to your sun?

A red giant can be hundreds to thousands of times larger in diameter than our Sun. This expansion occurs as a star exhausts its core hydrogen fuel and starts to burn helium in its outer layers, causing it to swell and become a red giant.

What is the star that is larger than the sun?

Many stars are bigger, but Betelgeuse is one of them, a red giant.

What will be the next stage in the sun's life cycle?

The next stage in the sun's life cycle will be the red giant phase. During this phase, the sun will expand and become bigger, eventually engulfing the inner planets of our solar system.

What is a star that is much larger than the sun?

Many stars are bigger, but Betelgeuse is one of them, a red giant.

Who is the bigger the big giant star or the sun?

A giant star is smaller than the sun.

What do you call a gigantic red star hundred times bigger than the sun?

A Red Giant is the name at millions or billions times the size