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Q: Is a instrument used to see things in Space?
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Which instrument was used to see outer space?

A Telescope

Which instrument is used to see far off objects in space?


What was the Hubble space station used for?

the hubble space station is used to see some new things happening in universe

How are telescopes used in astronomy?

Telescopes are used to see things that are far away from earth. Using telescopes we can see things that are millions of miles away. Most of the telescopes are on Earth but some of them are in space such as the Hubble Space Telescope.

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Mainly to see if things could be launched into space and work there

What is used to see space?

A telescope is used to see objects that exist in space. There are many sizes and types of telescopes.Many observations are also made by observing the behavior of planets etc. For example, a black hole observation.Spectroscopy is also used to make observations.Radio waves are also used.The dark matter which exists in space has no known observational instrument.

Which instrument allows scientist to see the red shift?

theanswer is space probes

What do you call instruments that makes small things look larger?

The instrument used to make extremely small things look larger so humans can see them is a microscope.

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What instrument is used to see far?

The telescope is used to see far distances in space, but one may also us binoculars to see objects far away, just on earth. You may buy different sizes of lenses, to see different distances. Thanks. </3

What are the things that you can use to see space?

a lot of things and planets