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There is some debate among astronomers whether Pluto is a planet (vs. an asteroid or some such), but it is definitely not a star.

[EDIT] (from a completely different guy :P)

Pluto is not considered a planet nor a star. A planet can be defined as:

- An object orbiting around the sun


- Needs enough gravitational force to pull itself into a spherical shape (CHECK)

- Needs it's own orbit with no other object on it's orbit


As long as an object in the solar system does not meet the third point (but meets the other two points), it is considered a 'dwarf planet'...

FYI (for your info):

There are other objects (or dwarf planets) in Pluto's orbit (like: Eris, Sedna, Orcus...), so as long as Pluto does not crush into all of them and add up it's mass, it won't be considered a 'planet'. In other words, Pluto may be a planet sometime

in the future.

By: Animefanrarr

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Pluto is a planet not a star and has been discovered to be the last planet on our sola system
don't listen to that person its a planet now. They decided that it was a planet because of the form and shape of it. they decided this in 2010 in Jan or feb

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βˆ™ 16y ago

No, the closest star to us is Proxima Centauri, part of Alpha Centauri, which is 4.3 lightyears away or 4.068^13 kilometres away. Pluto is also about a quarter of 1% of the size of our Earth. If you set Pluto onto the United States of America, it would barely cover half of the 48 lower states. Stars a massively huge.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Pluto is included in a group called dwarf planets, which aren't considered true planets due to their size and location. It is also called a plutoid, a classification given to a dwarf planet that is farther out in space than Neptune.

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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Pluto is not a star. It is classified as a dwarf planet within our solar system.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Pluto is a real object, but as of 2006 it is no longer considered a planet.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

dwarf planet (:

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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When did Pluto changed from a planet to a star?

Pluto never changed to a star. In 2006 it was reclassified as a dwarf planet.

Is Pluto a dwafr star?

No, Pluto is a Drawf Planet.

When does Pluto change from a planet to a star?

Pluto is not a star. It is classified as a dwarf planet. It was reclassified on August 24, 2006.

Why is Pluto a star?

Pluto is a dwarf planet, not a star. See related questions,

Why was Pluto declare to be a star?

Pluto is not a star. It was never declared a star. It is a dwarf planet. It had been regarded as a planet, but due to its size and its orbit, it is now classified as a dwarf planet, but not a star.

When was Pluto anounced a star?

Pluto is not a star. It recently got renamed from being a "Planet" and is now called a "Dwarf Planet."

What contradicts that Pluto is not a planet?

because pluto is to small to qualify as a planet therefore it is only a star

Why is Pluto different from the rest?

because pluto is no longer a planet it is a star

Can a planet also be a star?

No, definitely not, the only planet that is now considered as a star is Pluto.

Is Pluto a star?

No, Pluto is not a star. Pluto is a dwarf planet located in our solar system, specifically in the Kuiper Belt. Stars are massive celestial bodies that generate light and heat through nuclear reactions in their cores.

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What is the finial answer to Pluto being a planet or not?

its a dwarf star