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6d ago

Xenon ions were used as a propellant aboard the space probe Deep Space 1. The ion propulsion system enabled the probe to achieve impressive speeds and fuel efficiency during its mission.

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Q: Ions of what element were used as a propellant aboard the space probe Deep Space 1?
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Element used as propellent aboard space probe?


Why isn't a space shuttle is not a space probe?

A space shuttle isn't a probe, because humans are able to fly it. Not only that, but a space probe is most likely NOT to have life-support systems aboard.

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The term "space probe" is normally limited to unmanned (robotic) spacecraft. So, no, space probes do not have people aboard them.

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What equipment does a space probe carry?

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Is a space station a space probe or space satellite?

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What is the Difference between a space ship and space probe?

A spaceship is a manned spacecraft designed to carry astronauts, while a space probe is an unmanned spacecraft designed to explore space and gather data without a crew on board. Space probes are typically used for scientific research and exploration missions to planets, asteroids, and other celestial bodies.

When was the space probe invented?

The first space probe was the satellite Sputnik I launched in 1957.