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yes it s bakit chat mo nananaman ako

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2mo ago

No, the work done by the Earth on the space station is not positive. The gravitational force between the Earth and the space station acts towards the center of the Earth, which is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the space station. Therefore, the work done by the Earth on the space station is zero because the force and displacement are perpendicular to each other.

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Q: International space station orbits the air in an approximately circular orbit at a high 375 km above the earth surface in one complete orbit is the work done by the earth on the space station positive?
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In one complete orbit is the work done by the earth on the space station positive negative or zero?

The work done by the Earth on the space station over one complete orbit is zero because the gravitational force is conservative. This means that the work done in moving an object over any closed path is zero.

What is the temperature at 90000 feet?

At 90,000 feet in altitude, the temperature is approximately -94 degrees Fahrenheit (-70 degrees Celsius). This high up in the atmosphere, temperatures are extremely cold due to the thin air and lack of insulation.

When does the sun have adeclination of zero degrees today but will have a negative declination tomorrow?

The Sun has zero declination at the two equinoxes on March 21 and September 21 (approximately). At the autumn equinox in September it crosses the plane of the Earth's orbit from north to south, so its declination goes from positive to negative.

When the moon revolves around the earth in a circular orbit kept there by gravitational force exerted by the earth does gravity do positive work?

No, gravity does not do positive work in this scenario. The gravitational force that keeps the moon in its orbit is perpendicular to the moon's motion, and work is only done when a force is acting in the direction of the object's displacement. Gravity is doing negative work in this case because it is pulling the moon inward while the moon is moving tangentially.

Which magnitude is brighter a negative number or a positive number?

A positive number is brighter than a negative number. Brightness in astronomy is measured in magnitudes, where smaller (negative) magnitudes represent brighter objects. Positive magnitudes are assigned to dimmer objects.

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