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AnswerFirst, more than 13 billion years ago, came the "big bang" event that created the matter and energy that now form the universe. Some of this matrial began to form stars, but not all at once. The sun is a relatively young star, and scientists say stars are still forming.

Some of the earlier stars reached the end of their lives and died, some simply cooling down, and some more spectactularly. A supernova star exploded in our neighbourhood in our galaxy, and a little of that material was captured in orbit around the sun, eventually to form the planets and moons. The earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago.

After the earth cooled enough to allow lif to exist, the earliest simple life forms began to evolve in the oceans. The Theory of Evolution tells us how these early life forms, over an immense period of more than a billion years, evolved into higher life forms. Some organisms evolved into plant life, while others evolved into primitive animal forms. Some proimitive organisms still exist that have features of both plant and animal forms.

Eventually, certain fishes began to exist out of water, for short periods, developing skeletons that coudl support their weight. Their boyancy bladders became adapted as lungs so that they could breathe air. Plants and animals continued to evolve side by side, with neither process occurring before the other.

Humans are one of the most recent, but not necessarily THE most recent species to evolve naturally. We have begun to mimic nature by using artificial selection to improve species and even create new ones. For example, the now-extinct oryx was captured and bred, eventually resulting in our oxen, or cattle.

What we see in this is that there is a logical sequence, one which differs somewhat from the biblical stories, but the creation processes were not entirely sequential, with one creation stage completed before another began. Even now, new stars are being formed, and no doubt life is just now emerging on young planets somewhere in the universe.
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6mo ago

According to scientific understanding, the world was formed around 4.6 billion years ago through a process known as accretion. The early Earth underwent various stages of development, including the formation of the atmosphere, oceans, and continents. Life is believed to have originated around 3.5 billion years ago through a process of chemical evolution.

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What percent of Americans think the moon is made of cheese?

There is no reliable data or scientific study indicating what percentage of Americans believe the moon is made of cheese. The idea that the moon is made of cheese is a common myth or folktale rather than a scientifically supported belief. Surveys on public perceptions of the moon typically focus on more relevant topics such as lunar exploration, astronomy, or space exploration.

How is a star defined scientifically?

A star is a spheroidal plasma converting mass into energy by nuclear fusion.

How many stars make up the littel dipper?

The Little Dipper constellation is made up of seven main stars, including Polaris, the North Star. The other stars in the asterism are used to create the shape of a ladle or dipper in the night sky.

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Rainbows are important because they have cultural and symbolic significance across various societies. They are often seen as a sign of hope and promise after a storm, representing beauty and positivity. In addition, rainbows are also scientifically fascinating phenomena that help us understand light and the nature of optics.

Do superstitious beliefs about meteors have scientific basis?

You are confusing a couple of concepts. NO superstitious belief has a scientific basis. If a belief is scientifically based, there is no need to call it a superstition. If a belief is superstitious it is by definition not verifiable scientifically. However, there are superstitions that result from some real events. Total eclipses of the sun are real, and they are explainable in completely natural terms. However, people at different times in history have superstitious beliefs about what is happening during an eclipse, and superstitious beliefs that performing certain rituals or prayers during an eclipse will save the world from doom. So, a superstition is an irrational belief usually connected to some magical ritual that will ward off disaster, and some superstitions have to do with real events in the world. But the superstitions themselves are not based in or verified by the real world.

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