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latitude of the observer

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latitude of the observer.

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Q: In the northern hemisphere the altitude height in degrees above the horizon of the North Star is Always roughly equal to the?
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What is the altitude of Polaris on a clear night?

The altitude doesn't depend much on whether the night is clear.If you live in the northern hemisphere, the altitude of Polaris above the horizon will APPROXIMATELY be equal to your latitude. If you live in the southern hemisphere, Polaris will be BELOW the horizon, as many degrees as you are south of the equator.

What is altitude of polaris at equator?

The altitude of Polaris at the equator is 0 degrees. This means that Polaris is directly on the horizon and not visible at all from the equator. Polaris can only be seen in the northern hemisphere at latitudes above 23.5 degrees.

What is the altitude of polaris above the northern horizon for observer a?

90 degrees

What is the altitude of Polaris above the horizon at the tropic of Capricorn?

At the Tropic of Capricorn (approximately 23.5 degrees south latitude), Polaris, the North Star, is not visible and is located below the horizon. Polaris can only be seen in the Northern Hemisphere and its altitude above the horizon increases the further north you go.

How do you find the angle of the altitude of Polaris?

The angle of the altitude of Polaris is equal to the observer's latitude. However, this is only true if you are in the Northern Hemisphere. For example, at the North Pole it is directly overhead and at the equator it is on the horizon and at 45 degrees North it is 45 degrees above you.

Is the sun below the northern horizon or the southern horizon at midnight in the Northern Hemisphere?

The sun is below the northern horizon at midnight in the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the suns altitude at noon at the equator on june21?

It's about 66.5 degrees above the northern horizon.

What is the altitude of polaris above the horizon at the tropic of cancer?

Polaris will be 23.5 degrees above the northern horizon when viewed from the Tropic of Cancer.

At which location is the altitude of Polaris approximately 42?

The altitude of Polaris is approximately 42 degrees above the horizon when observed from a location around 42 degrees latitude in the northern hemisphere. This means that at locations close to the 42nd parallel, such as parts of New York City or southern France, Polaris would have an altitude of around 42 degrees.

How are the altitude of polaris and latitude of an observer related?

The altitude of Polaris and the latitude of an observer are directly related. The altitude of Polaris in the sky is approximately equal to the observer's latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. The higher the latitude, the higher Polaris will appear in the sky.

In Pennsylvania what could be the approximate lacation of an observer if he measured the altitude of Polaris to be 40 degrees?

If an observer in Pennsylvania measures the altitude of Polaris to be 40 degrees, they could be approximately 40 degrees north of the equator, which would imply a latitude close to 40 degrees north. This is because the altitude of Polaris above the horizon is equal to the observer's latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.

How can you determine your latitude in the northern hemisphere just by using a star?

To determine your latitude in the northern hemisphere using a star, measure the angle between the horizon and the star using a sextant. This angle is called the star's altitude. If you know the star's declination (which is constant), subtract it from 90 degrees minus the star's altitude to find your latitude.