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...Primum Mobile, also known as the Prime Mover. Aristotle believed this sphere was responsible for moving the other celestial spheres in the universe.

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Q: In the model of the universe developed by Aristotle the outermost sphere was that of the...?
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How did Aristotle explain the way that objects in the universe move?

Objects move in circles on one giant sphere, with Earth at the center.He had a incorrect observation. Objects move in elliptical orbits on one giant sphere, with the sun at the center :)

How did Aristotle view the moon?

Aristotle viewed the moon as a physical object that reflected the light of the Sun. He believed it was a perfect sphere with imperfections like mountains and valleys that caused its different phases. Aristotle's model of the universe placed the moon as one of the celestial spheres orbiting the Earth.

In the Ptolemaic Greek model of the universe the stars are attached to the?

In the Ptolemaic Greek model of the universe, the stars are thought to be attached to the celestial sphere, a hypothetical invisible sphere surrounding the Earth to which the stars were fixed. This model placed Earth at the center of the universe with all celestial bodies orbiting around it.

What is the noun of universe?

The noun 'universe' is a singular, common noun; a word for a thing.The noun 'universe' is an abstract noun as a word for a particular sphere of activity, interest, or experience; a word for a concept.The noun 'universe' is a concrete noun as a word for space and everything that exists in it, including the Earth; a word for a physical place.

What did Aristotle observe that convinced him that the earth is a sphere?

Aristotle observed that during a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the Earth on the moon is round. This led him to conclude that the Earth must be spherical. Additionally, he noted that as ships sail away from the shore, their hulls disappear before their masts, indicating the curvature of the Earth.

Related questions

Does Aristotle's model differ from others?

Yes, Aristotle's model of the universe does differ from other models, such as the Ptolemaic or Copernican systems. Aristotle proposed that the Earth was the center of the universe and surrounded by concentric spheres, with the outermost sphere containing the fixed stars. This geocentric model was later replaced by heliocentric models proposed by Copernicus and Galileo.

Where was the earth in Aristotles model of the universe?

According to Aristotle the Universe is a sphere and Earth is at the centre.

Is atmosphere is it earths inner sphere?

No, it is the outermost sphere of the earth.

What Earth's outermost sphere is called the?

The Earth's outermost sphere is the Lithosphere. It's the rigid outermost shell of the Earth.

How did Aristotle explain the way the object in the universe move?

Objects move in circles on one giant sphere, with Earth at the center.He had a incorrect observation. Objects move in elliptical orbits on one giant sphere, with the sun at the center :)

How did Aristotle explain the way that objects in the universe move?

Objects move in circles on one giant sphere, with Earth at the center.He had a incorrect observation. Objects move in elliptical orbits on one giant sphere, with the sun at the center :)

How did Aristotle view the moon?

Aristotle viewed the moon as a physical object that reflected the light of the Sun. He believed it was a perfect sphere with imperfections like mountains and valleys that caused its different phases. Aristotle's model of the universe placed the moon as one of the celestial spheres orbiting the Earth.

Which astronomer was the first to describe earth as a sphere?

The Greek philosophers discovered the earth was spherical in the 6th century BC. Parmenides also discovered this in the 5th century BC. In 330 BC Aristotle put for the position based on physical theory and observational evidence.

In the Ptolemaic Greek model of the universe the stars are attached to the?

In the Ptolemaic Greek model of the universe, the stars are thought to be attached to the celestial sphere, a hypothetical invisible sphere surrounding the Earth to which the stars were fixed. This model placed Earth at the center of the universe with all celestial bodies orbiting around it.

Did ptolemy's model of the universe excluded any reference to heaven?

No, Ptolemy's model of the universe did not exclude reference to heaven. Ptolemy's geocentric model included the concept of celestial spheres, with the outermost sphere considered to be the realm of the fixed stars or heavens.

What three incorrect ideas held back the development of modern astronomy from the time of Aristotle to the sixteenth century?

1. Geocentric Universe, 2. That the moon, sun and planets were attached to spheres that moved around the Earth between the Earth and Heaven. and 3. That stars were all on the outermost sphere - the heavens - were the same distance from Earth and shone because of light from beyond that sphere.

What is the most common 3D shape in the universe?

The atomic sphere.