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It just stays there waiting to be used-the sun has enough to last many billions of years and luckily for us the rate of burning has stayed fairly constant so far, but eventually it will run out of hydrogen and die.

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Hydrogen that does not convert into helium in the fusion reaction on the sun remains as hydrogen atoms. These hydrogen atoms are still present in the sun's core, where they continue to undergo fusion reactions.

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Q: In the fusion reaction on the sun what happens to hydrogen that does not convert into helium?
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What nuclear reaction happens between hydrogen and helium in the sun?

Nuclear fusion, in which hydrogen-1 is fused into helium-4.

What type of reaction happening in sun when it emits heat and light?

The most common sun reaction that happens in the sun is the hydrogen fusion. Other fusions like complex fusions among nuclei of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms also produce energy in the sun.

How many years does it take a star with mass of the sun to convert its hydrogen to its core?

No star will EVER convert ALL of the hydrogen to helium via nuclear fusion (the process that powers the star) because when the star is less than about 50% hydrogen, the helium gets in the way of the fusion reaction and the star begins to die out. The star will begin to shrink as the star's own gravity now is more powerful than the nuclear reaction, and the star will get more dense and will heat up. If the internal temperature and pressure gets high enough, the star will begin fusing helium into even heavier elements, becoming a red giant. The speed of this reaction depends on the original mass of the star.

What type of atomic reaction occurs on the sun?

The primary atomic reaction that occurs on the sun is nuclear fusion, specifically the fusion of hydrogen atoms to form helium. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat.

A star generates energy by?

A star generates energy through nuclear fusion in its core, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This energy in the form of heat and light is what makes stars shine brightly in the universe.

Related questions

What nuclear reaction happens between hydrogen and helium in the sun?

Nuclear fusion, in which hydrogen-1 is fused into helium-4.

What is the primary atomic reaction that occurs withine the sun convert hydrogen atoms into helium atoms?

Nuclear Fusion

Do stars give off light as a part of a nuclear fusion reaction in which helium atoms are split into hydrogen atoms?

No. In a fusion reaction, a heavier element is made of a lighter pair by "gluing" them together in a fusion reaction. When we split an atom, that's called atom splitting, or sometimes fission, not fusion. They are opposites. Stars give off light, but the primary fuel in their fusion engines is hydrogen, which they convert into helium. As the hydrogen burns out, the star begins making helium into carbon.

Does nuclear fusion convert oxygen to hydrogen?

No, nuclear fusion does not convert oxygen to hydrogen. Fusion involves the joining (fusion) of lighter atoms, such as hydrogen isotopes like deuterium and tritium, to form heavier elements like helium. This process releases large amounts of energy.

By what process do you convert hydrogen to helium?

nuclear fusion!!

Which pair of nuclei can undergo a fusion reaction?

Hydrogen-2 (deuterium) and hydrogen-3 (tritium) nuclei can undergo fusion to form helium-4, releasing a neutron in the process. This fusion reaction is the basis for fusion energy production in potential future reactor designs.

What happens when a fusion reaction is uncontrolled?

fusion bomb explosion

What is the sun's source of energy?

Fusion Reaction of Hydrogen

What source of the sun's energy is?

Fusion Reaction of Hydrogen

What is produced when hydrogen atoms fuse?

A large amount of energy. This naturally occurring reaction happens inside all stars and is called fusion.

What is true is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

More mass is converted to energy in a fusion reaction than in a chemical reaction, such as that found in a fuel cell. - APEX

What is the role of hydrogen gas in the sun?

The hydrogen in the Sun is fuel for the nuclear fusion reaction.