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The same way it happens on Earth-- if you go outside you should see plenty of examples. It is an optical illusion, basically, caused by uneven ground, holes, the angles from which you see the shadows (perspective). If you could somehow hover up above it all, you would see the shadows as parallel to one another.

Some people like to pretend this isn't true and that shadows from different angles are proof of multiple lights, like those in a movie studio. But multiple light sources mean multiple shadows... there are NO Apollo pictures like that. And no one has ever devised a single studio light that can simulate sunlight well enough to have faked the Apollo footage and pics.

While we are on the subject, while the Sun is that primary and overpowering source of light, there is still a bit of light reflecting off the Earth, much larger in the sky than the Moon is to us. It doesn't seem to be bright enough to cast multiple shadows, though. Also to be considered are reflected light from the spacesuits, LM, gear, and above all else, the lunar soil. The light reflecting from the lunar soil bounces upward, illuminating things like the LM's dark side, as well as the astronauts. The reason that rock shadows are so dark is that lunar soil cannot bounce light sideways very much, to illuminate itself in the rock shadows.

I am posting some links to sites that will help you understand the things the lunar hoax believers don't understand. Hope this helps.

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2mo ago

Shadows on the moon can face different ways due to the uneven terrain and angles at which surfaces are illuminated by the single light source, the sun. The topography and elevation differences create variations in shadow direction and length. Additionally, the position of the observer relative to the illuminated objects can also influence the appearance of shadows.

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How do shadows disappear?

Shadows are created by a light source, remove the source of light and the shadow will disappear.

What does it means when something has three shadows?

three different source of light from three different directions

Why is shadow not seen in darkroom?

In a darkroom, there is no light for objects to cast shadows. Shadows are created when an object blocks light from a source, but in a darkroom environment, there is no external light source for objects to cast shadows.

Why shadows are not formed at night?

Shadows are not formed at night because the absence of daylight means there is no light source to create shadows. Shadows are formed when an object blocks a source of light, casting a shadow in the opposite direction. Without sufficient light, shadows cannot be cast.

Is it possible one object have three shadows?

Yes, it is possible for one object to have three shadows if there are multiple light sources casting shadows from different angles. Each light source will create its own shadow, resulting in multiple shadows for the object.

How does a flash prevent shadows?

A flash can prevent shadows by illuminating a scene from a different angle than the main light source, effectively filling in shadows created by the primary light. This helps to create even lighting and reduces harsh shadows in the final image.

Why do shadows change?

The light source changes?

Are there always shadows?

Yes, shadows are created when an object blocks light. As long as there is a source of light and an object to block it, shadows will be present.

Do shadows get smaller or bigger?

Shadows get smaller as the light source moves closer to the object casting the shadow, and they get larger as the light source moves farther away. The size of a shadow is influenced by the distance between the object and the light source.

How can an object form two or more shadows at a time?

An object can form two or more shadows at a time if there are multiple light sources casting light on it from different directions. Each light source will create its own shadow of the object, leading to multiple shadows being formed.

How does multiple shadows formed?

Multiple shadows can be formed when there are multiple light sources casting light towards an object from different directions. Each light source will create its own shadow, resulting in multiple shadows being cast. The interaction of these shadows can create interesting patterns and shapes depending on the angles and intensity of the light sources.

Is there two shadows if there are two light source?

Depends on the position of the light source. If the light source is in a straight line, there will be 2 shadows, one is the object and the second will be the first light souce, if lets say the object is place in the center, and one light source is place in the north direction and one in the south, there will be 2 shadow at diffrent location.