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First, any object with mass (which includes you and me) cannot actually travel at the

speed of light. But you can get very close, in principle. However, assuming you were

moving very, very close to the speed of light, the time you experienced on board your

ship would be exceedingly short. From the perspective of a photon itself, the trip time is

exactly zero.

The theory of Special Relativity gives us a way to calculate the trip time, and the equation

includes a multiplier called the Lorentz Factor, which comes out to zero for the velocity of light.


If you and your brother are both wearing wrist watches, and you go flying past him ... the

speed doesn't matter ... and as you pass him you both look at each others' watches, then

you'll say that your brother's watch is running slow, and your brother will say that YOUR

watch is running slow. You'll both be correct, and the faster you fly past him, the slower

each of you will see the other's watch running.

If it were possible for you to sail past him at the speed of light, then he would say that

your watch has stopped, and you would say that HIS watch has stopped. Just as at

any other speed, you would both be correct.

I know it doesn't make sense, but it happens to be true. It's been observed thousands of

times over the past hundred years or so. And a correction for it is built into the GPS system,

to correct the clocks for the speed of the satellites. Otherwise GPS would give flaky and

wrong results.

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1w ago

No, it would still take 8 minutes for a beam of light to travel from the sun to the Earth, regardless of how it is measured or perceived. The speed of light is constant in a vacuum, and it will always take the same amount of time to travel that distance.

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Q: If it takes 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach earth as measured from earth and if you could ride a beam of light from the sun to the earth and time it would it take fewer minutes?
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When the SUN will stop rotating what will happened?

If the Sun were to stop rotating, its magnetic field would weaken over time and the Sun's surface would become less active with fewer sunspots and solar flares. This could potentially have effects on Earth's climate and space weather, but it would not cause the Sun to go out or have an immediate impact on life on Earth.

Why do you think earths surface has fewer craters than the surface than moon does?

Basically, the atmosphere protects the earth to a great degree and the geological process always going on in and on the earth cover and change many crater sites.

Does the moon have more craters than earth?

Yes, the moon has more craters than Earth. This is because the moon lacks an atmosphere to protect its surface from impacting rocks and debris, whereas Earth's atmosphere helps to burn up most objects before they reach the surface.

Why is one side of the moon rougher than the other?

The side of the moon that faces Earth is smoother because it has been bombarded by meteorites and lava flows, which filled in many of the craters. The far side of the moon, on the other hand, is more rugged because it has been shielded from Earth's tidal forces, resulting in more craters and fewer lava flows.

How does the earth cool down during night?

At night, the Earth cools down by radiation as heat from the surface is emitted into the atmosphere. This radiation escapes into space, causing the temperature to drop. Clear skies with low humidity allow for more efficient cooling because there are fewer clouds and water vapor to trap the heat at the surface.

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