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The same as on earth because mass remains constant everywhere if you are thinking about the "weight" then it will be changed .

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The mass of an object does not change when you move it to a different location like the moon. The mass of the object would still be 12.5 grams on the moon.

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Q: If an object has a mass of 12.5 grams What is the mass on the moon?
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How much does 125 weigh in Mars?

On Mars, an object weighing 125 pounds on Earth would weigh approximately 47.5 pounds, due to Mars having only 38% of the gravity of Earth.

Can astronauts are able to stand straight on the moon?

Can they? Yes. Did they? for the most part, no. The reason they didn't was because of their backpacks, which carried the water for cooling and oxygen for breathing. The backpacks (or PLSS's) weighed about 125 pounds each. If the astronaut stood up straight on the moon, they'd be pulled over backwards from the weight of the PLSS. Astronauts who carried the scientific packages were able to walk fairly upright because they had so much weight in front of them to caounterbalance the weight of the PLSS.

Why is the moon warmer than Earth in the day and colder than Earth at night?

The Moon has no atmosphere and no surface water. The surface is essentially in the same vacuum as open space, which means a location is only heated when that side of the Moon is in sunlight (about 14 days of daylight and 14 days of night as the Moon orbits the Earth). This means that the surface is exposed to extremely high levels of solar radiation for two weeks in the sunlit half, reaching temperatures of about 115 to 125 degrees Celsius (239-257 F). The night side rapidly radiates heat into space and has a minimum temperature of about -170 degrees Celsius. There is no atmospheric transport of heat from day to night side, and no oceans to store heat.

What is the temperature range highs and lows on mars?

The temperature on Mars can range from as low as -195°F (-125°C) at the poles to as high as 70°F (20°C) in equatorial regions during the day. However, temperatures can drop significantly at night, sometimes reaching as low as -100°F (-73°C).

What is Velocity of projection of satellite?

The velocity of projection of a satellite refers to the initial velocity at which the satellite is launched into space. This velocity is crucial in determining the satellite's trajectory and orbit around the Earth or other celestial bodies. The velocity of projection is typically calculated based on the desired orbit and mission objectives of the satellite.

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Are 125 grams and 125 centimeters the same?

No, a gram is a unit of mass (125 grams is about 4.4 ounces[mass]). A centimeter is a unit of length (125 cm is about 49 inches long).

What is a mineral with mass of 125 grams?

You can weight 125 g from any mineral.

What mass is the most reasonable for an orange?

125 grams ok noobs

How many milliliter are in 125 grams?

Because grams measure mass and milliliters measure volume, this will change based on what you are measuring. If you are measuring water, 1 gram equals 1 milliliter. 125 grams equals 125 milliliters.

Calculate the density of a substance that has a mass of 125 grams and a volume of 170 ml?

Density = mass/volume Density = 125 g / 170 ml Density ≈ 0.74 g/ml

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To produce 1 mole of urea, 1 mole of carbon dioxide is needed. The molar mass of urea is 60 grams/mol, and the molar mass of carbon dioxide is 44 grams/mol. Therefore, to produce 125 grams of urea, 125 grams/60 grams/mol = 2.08 moles of urea is needed. This means 2.08 moles of carbon dioxide is needed, which is 2.08 moles * 44 grams/mol = 91.52 grams of carbon dioxide needed.

How many cups equals 125 grams?

The density of the substance is required to convert volume to mass or mass to volume

How many cups in .125 cups of flour?

1 cup of All-Purpose Flour is 125 grams. However, because cups measure volume and grams measure mass this will change depending on what you measure.

125 pounds is how many grams?

125 pounds is equal to approximately 56,699 grams.

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148 grams minus 125 grams is 23 grams.

125 grams how many ounces?

125 grams is equivalent to approximately 4.41 ounces.

125 grams is equal to?

125 grams is equal to 0.125 kilograms or 125,000 milligrams.