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Your chances are very high. If you are trying to conceive, you should ideally have sex 1-2 days before ovulation.

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1w ago

The chances of getting pregnant depend on various factors like your fertility, timing of intercourse, and overall health. Sperm can live in the female reproductive tract for up to 5 days, so having intercourse before ovulation can also lead to pregnancy. It's recommended to have intercourse every 1-2 days throughout your fertile window for the best chances of conception.

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Q: If I had intercourse last night and started ovulating today what are my chances of getting pregnant and when should we try again?
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What are the chances of getting pregnant when you're ovulating?

alot dont do it!

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Yes, there is always a increased chance of getting pregnant when ovulating. When you don't ovulate there is no egg so you can't get pregnant although a orgasm can make you ovulate again.

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The best recommended way to get pregnant or conceive is to find out when you are ovulating and try. The days you are ovulating are the days you are most fertile.

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Pepsi? As in the beverage? That wont change a thing.

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You are trying for a baby and only having 2-3 day periods 28 day cycle will this affect you getting pregnant?

Not necessarily. What matters is if you are ovulating. Having a 28 day cycle is a good indicator that you are ovulating regularly. You can use an ovulation prediction kit to find out the day you are ovulating and try having intercourse then. Typically if you are under 35 and not pregnant within a year or over 35 and not pregnant within 6 months you should see your doctor.

Will you get pregnant every time you have sexual intercourse?

No. Can you get pregnant ever time you have sexual intercourse? Yes. Is there something you can do to decrease the risk of getting pregnant everytime you have sexual intercourse? Yes.

How high are the chances of pregnancy with pulling out?

AnswerYour chances of getting pregnant vary depending on the day of your menstrual cycle; the few days before and after the day of ovulation are the best time for you to plan baby-making intercourse if you are trying to get pregnant. This is why accurately identifying when you are ovulating can significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant. Studies show that couples who have sexual intercourse during their most fertile days every month for 6 months have an 80% chance of getting pregnant during this time. Of the one-in-five (20%) couples who have not achieved pregnancy after 6 months, half will manage to conceive after another 6 months. However, there are a number of factors that may affect your chances of getting pregnant:The sperm might not be able to reach the uterus: this may occur if the sperm are not motile enough, the cervical mucus is too hostile, or if your Fallopian tubes are blocked. If you are worried about any of these issues, your doctor will be able to advise you on the most appropriate test to take.The sperm and the egg may not meet at the right time. Getting pregnant really is all about timing intercourse! Therefore, closely monitoring your ovulation can help you to ensure that you maximise your chances of getting pregnant.The embryo may not be successfully implanted. This may be due to a number of factors - your doctor will be able to advise you on the most appropriate test to take if you are experiencing repeated miscarriages.All of these factors mean that the chances of getting pregnant each menstrual cycle are slim, which is why it usually takes a few months to conceive.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after you just came off a loop?

Zero. You have to indulge in unprotected sexual intercourse. Perhaps you should talk to an adult or read a book about procreation.

Does it mean you are pregnant if you are having stomach cramps?

It can be or you are ovulating or getting your period. Just cramping is not enough to determine if you are pregnant or not.