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If Earth didn't revolve around the sun, there would be only one season, instead of all four. Also, the retrogrades (apparent backward motion of planets would be more dramatic because planets would pass the earth faster. One other difference would be that you wouldn't be able to tell your longitude by the sun.

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If Earth did not have the motion of revolution around the Sun, the planet's temperature would vary greatly between the poles and the equator, leading to extreme climate conditions. The uniform distribution of heat and light that we experience due to Earth's revolution plays a crucial role in sustaining life on our planet by providing stable and habitable conditions for various ecosystems.

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Q: How would earth be different if it did not have the motion of revolution?
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What are 2 ways life would be different if earth didn't have any motion of revolution?

It would be always daytime on one side of the planet always night on the other. The day side would be too hot to live, the night side too cold to live. There would be a narrow strip at edges where you could live- looking like sunrise or sunset all the time.

How would earth's year be different if it were father from the sun?

If Earth were farther from the sun, its year would be longer because it would take more time for the planet to complete one orbit. This would result in longer seasons and potentially colder temperatures overall.

How can the moon and the stars tell us that the earth moving?

The position of the moon and stars in the night sky appears to change over time due to the rotation and orbit of the Earth. By tracking their movement relative to fixed points on Earth, such as landmarks or constellations, we can infer that the Earth is moving. This phenomenon, known as apparent motion, provides indirect evidence of Earth's rotation and revolution.

Does big dipper move through the night sky?

Yes, the Big Dipper appears to move through the night sky as the Earth rotates, causing the stars to change their positions constantly. This motion is known as the apparent motion of the stars due to Earth's rotation.

Does the moon turning?

The moon does not physically "turn" on its axis like Earth does. However, it does go through phases as it orbits Earth, which creates the appearance of different portions of its illuminated surface being visible from Earth at different times.

Related questions

What are two ways life would be different if earth did not have to the motion of revelution?

Without Earth's revolution, there would be no changing of seasons as the tilt of Earth's axis creates the different seasons. Additionally, the length of a day would not have a fixed basis as it is influenced by the rotation and revolution of the Earth.

What two ways life would be different if earth did not have motion of revolution?

There would be no change in season on Earth at a particular place The poles will get colder & the tropical regions will get more hotter

What are two ways life would be different if earth did not have motion of revolution?

If Earth did not have a motion of revolution around the sun, the seasons as we know them would not exist, leading to a more stable climate globally. Additionally, without this motion, there would be no concept of a year as we measure it, impacting how we structure our calendars and understand time.

What are the two ways of life would be different if earth did not have the motion of revolution?

One - one side of Earth would be in constant daylight, while the other side would be in constant darkness. Two - life as we know it, would not exist.

Why is revolution important to earth?

with out revolution, the earth would fall into the sun. without rotation, the earth would support complex life.

What are two ways life would different if earth did not have the motions of revolution?

One - one side of Earth would be in constant daylight, while the other side would be in constant darkness. Two - life as we know it, would not exist.

How is rotation different then revolution?

A rotation is an object spinning around its own axis once, such as one day on Earth. A revolution is an object making a full transit around an external axis point, such as one year on Earth.

True or false Motion parallel to earths surface is vertical motion Motion parallel to earths surface is vertical motion?

False. Consider a car moving on the road, along the earth's surface. That is considered to be Vx or Horizontal motion or velocity. If the car were to move perpendicular to the earth's surface that would be Vy or Vertical motion and velocity.

How would revolution be different if earth was in the posistion that Venus is in now?

If Earth were in Venus' current position (closer to the Sun), its atmosphere would be much thicker, with extreme temperatures and pressure making it uninhabitable for humans. The revolution around the Sun would also be faster, leading to shorter years. Additionally, the lack of a strong magnetic field like Venus would leave Earth more vulnerable to solar radiation.

What would appear different about the moon if it rotated twice during each revolution?

If the moon were to rotate twice during each revolution, the tides on the Earth would appear different. Also, the moon itself would show its far side rather than having the same side facing the planet all the time.

What are 2 ways life would be different if earth didn't have any motion of revolution?

It would be always daytime on one side of the planet always night on the other. The day side would be too hot to live, the night side too cold to live. There would be a narrow strip at edges where you could live- looking like sunrise or sunset all the time.

What would happen to Earth's orbit if only gravity from the Sun were operating in Earth's motion?

it would push it away