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The idea of an artificial satellite goes back at least as far as the prototype science fiction story "The Brick Moon".

The idea that actual, real satellites could perform useful work goes back to about 1947, when science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke realized that satellites orbiting the equator at about 22,000 miles out, would appear not to move in the sky. You could aim an antenna at it and leave it. Thus you could make communications satellites that could transmit a signal from anywhere on Earth to anywhere on Earth, just by having 3 satellites spaced around the Earth.

The first actual, real satellite was Sputnik, sent up by the Russians in the late Fifties.

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The concept of an artificial satellite was first proposed by Science Fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in 1945. The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957 during the space race with the United States. The development of satellites involved advances in rocket technology, miniaturization of electronic components, and international collaboration.

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