The time between each principal moon phase is roughly a week. Specifically, from New Moon to First Quarter Moon is about 7 days, from First Quarter to Full Moon is another 7 days, from Full Moon to Last Quarter Moon is approximately 7 days, and from Last Quarter back to New Moon is around 7 days as well.
The average distance between Earth and the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers.
It doesn't always do that. At some points in the Moon's orbit around the Earth, the distance from the Sun to the Moon and Earth is the same. At other points, the Moon is either closer or farther away from the Sun. But either way the distance between the Moon and Earth is so much smaller than the distance between the Sun and the Moon, that the difference in time becomes really, really tiny in comparison.
The best time to see a blood moon is during a total lunar eclipse, which occurs when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon. This usually happens at night and can be seen with the naked eye.
The waxing phase of the moon is the period of time between new moon and full moon, where the size of the illuminated portion of the moon is increasing. The waning phase of the moon is the period of time between full moon and new moon, where the size of the illuminated portion of the moon is decreasing.
At the time of the Full Moon.
About fourty-eight hours
The average among several cycles of lunar phases is 14.77 days.
about 30 days - one month
That is the time of the new moon.
at the time of the New Moon
The waxing phase of the moon is the period of time between new moon and full moon, where the size of the illuminated portion of the moon is increasing. The waning phase of the moon is the period of time between full moon and new moon, where the size of the illuminated portion of the moon is decreasing.
about 2.56 seconds
The time between each principal moon phase is roughly a week. Specifically, from New Moon to First Quarter Moon is about 7 days, from First Quarter to Full Moon is another 7 days, from Full Moon to Last Quarter Moon is approximately 7 days, and from Last Quarter back to New Moon is around 7 days as well.
The average distance between Earth and the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers.
It doesn't always do that. At some points in the Moon's orbit around the Earth, the distance from the Sun to the Moon and Earth is the same. At other points, the Moon is either closer or farther away from the Sun. But either way the distance between the Moon and Earth is so much smaller than the distance between the Sun and the Moon, that the difference in time becomes really, really tiny in comparison.
The time between the New Moon and Full Moon averages out to 14.77 days.