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We have not physically explored our galaxy beyond the bounds of our own solar system, because we lack the technology to do so. We have still been able to learn a great deal through sending out space probes and through the use of powerful telescopes such as the Hubble.

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14y ago

Virtually nothing has been explored. Even if we had our entire solar system well mapped, we would not have any portion of this really giant universe explored. Even the Milky way is a very very tiny portion of this really giant universe!

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13y ago

It depends on what you mean by explore. Satellites have photographed the entirety of the surface, including the oceans. If you mean explored by a human actually going there and observing the place and its intricacies, the ocean, caves, rain forests, and unpopulated forested mountains like in Alaska and northern Canada, are largely unexplored. If you follow roads on Google maps you can see huge areas of rough unpopulated areas that are unlikely to have had any real in depth exploration.

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11y ago

A very Very small amount. Maybe .01 percent.

We have only now started to see the edge of Our system that circles our sun,

the Solar System is just a small smudge on the Universe to explore.

That (this) is hard to answer because it depends on what you mean by 'explored'.

The human race has photo's from space of pretty much every square inch of this planet, but that does not mean that a human has actually been there; and that does not include the oceans (whats under the surface; seems as though we discover new things there every day) - so you can only really say we have a very good ideal of what 1/3 of this planet is like.

We (the human race) have only went to one other planetoid (the moon) and while we have satellite mapped it, we have only actually walked on a few hundred square feet of it.

Following this guideline the human race has sent probes to, and observed all significant astronomical bodies in this solar system. We have sent probes to map, photograph, and take other readings of pretty much all of them. This gives us a very good ideal of the overall layout of things, but we are far from finishing with this planet and it will be hundreds of generations (at current rate) before we have made a dent in exploring even our closest two neighboring planets.

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