

How much gravity is in a star?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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8y ago

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Depends on the star, and how close you are to the star.

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Q: How much gravity is in a star?
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Describe how gravity causes stars to form galaxies?

It depends on how much gravity that causes stars to form. It depends on how big the star in the galaxies is.

Is there another place in outer space that has gravity?

Yes, every planet and every star has gravity. In fact, every object that has mass, has gravity. Black holes have so much gravity that even light cannot escape.

Compared to the star it evolved from a white dwarf is?

A white dwarf is smaller, cooler, and denser than the star it evolved from. It is the remnant core of a star like our Sun after it has exhausted its nuclear fuel and collapsed under gravity.

A typical white-dwarf star is the size of your moon but has the mass of your sun what is the surface gravity of this star?

The surface gravity of a white dwarf star with the mass of our Sun and the size of our Moon would be extremely high, much greater than what we experience on Earth. This is because gravity is directly proportional to the mass of the object. The intense gravity on the surface of such a white dwarf would crush any normal matter that comes into contact with it.

How is gravity involved in the formation of stars?

Gravity pulls the star in and tries to squeeze it down to a point. Because it pulls all of the atoms of the star in to the middle, gravity speeds them up, giving them energy. Eventually gravity gives enough energy to the atoms that they move fast enough that when they collide, they sometimes stick together and nuclear fusion happens. This is what gives a star its light and what keeps a star from collapsing further.

Related questions

Describe how gravity causes stars to form galaxies?

It depends on how much gravity that causes stars to form. It depends on how big the star in the galaxies is.

Is there another place in outer space that has gravity?

Yes, every planet and every star has gravity. In fact, every object that has mass, has gravity. Black holes have so much gravity that even light cannot escape.

How does gravity cause a star to wobble?

the star's size

What is a massive collapsed star that has such enormous gravity?

You're talking about a so-called "black hole". It doesn't necessarily have any more gravity than a normal star with the same mass has. It's just that if the mass is all crammed into a tiny space, then you can get much closer to it, and THAT's where the gravity is stronger.

What Inside a star the force of gravity is balanced by the?

Inside a star, the force of gravity is balanced by the pressure generated from nuclear fusion reactions occurring in the star's core. These nuclear reactions create an outward pressure that counteracts the force of gravity trying to collapse the star. This delicate balance between gravity and pressure determines the size, temperature, and lifespan of a star.

The remains of a massive star pulled into a small volume by gravity?

A black hole is formed when the remains of a massive star collapse under their own gravity, creating a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. The mass is concentrated into a small volume called the singularity at the center of the black hole, surrounded by an event horizon beyond which nothing can escape.

What is an object with gravity that is so strong nothing can escape it?

a black hole is your answer and it is because when a main sequenced star collects to much energy the gravity stops and forms a black hole

Can a planet or star have so much gravity that it destroys itself?

Yes. When a star dies for example, the inward gravitational pull is so dense that it creates a black hole!

Why does a neutron star have so much gravity?

A neutron star has so much gravity because it is the remnant core of a collapsed star. During the collapse, the star's mass becomes compressed into a tiny volume, resulting in an extremely high density. This high density leads to a strong gravitational force, which gives neutron stars their immense gravitational pull.

What are the two major forces that act on a star?

Gravity pushes and pulls on a star, balancing it out so it doesn't explode.

A star is a?

A star is a sphere of gas held together by its own gravity.

When a very large star's outer layer explodes outward with an amazing amount of force and it's core collapses down?

When the star's fuel source depletes and the nuclear reaction inside the star cannot resist the pull of gravity any more. The constant explosion in the star would want to expand but gravity of the star keeps it in the shape of a sphere. So when the fuel for the nuclear reaction has been used up, it will get pulled in by the force of gravity. To answer the question: it depends on what type of large star you are talking about, how much fuel it has, and how long it takes for that star to burn up its fuel.