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600 million tons of hydrogen per second!

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7mo ago

The sun converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second through nuclear fusion. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat, which sustains life on Earth.

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How much heat is produced in rapid and spontaneous combustion?

That depends on the type of reaction occurring. Things don't just burn slowly or quickly, they burn at different rates depending on the material and the condition of the material. For example, if you burn a thin, unfolded piece of paper, it will burn relatively quick. If you burn a thick, crumpled up piece of construction paper, it will burn relatively slow. Additionally, an unfolded piece of paper will burn faster than a crumpled up piece of the same paper, but they will give off the same amount of heat. Think of it like having gas in a car. If you put a gallon of gas in a Ferrari and a gallon of gas in a Toyota Prius, drive them until they run out of gas and then ask which one used more gas, the answer will be neither. They both used the same amount of gas. The Ferrari will have burnt all of its up quickly and violently and the Prius will have made it last much longer, but the amount of gas used by each car is the same.

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24 liters an hour for the 250 hp engine

You spilled gas in your car how can you get it out?

To get rid of gas you just have to burn it. The car would explode if you burn the gas out of the well of my car

Do you burn more gas with your air conditioner on?

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How many gallons of gas do you burn in a mile?

Gallons per mile? No vehicle burns that much fuel.

Can you install a second gas meter further down the line in an apartment building and how much will it cost if the pipe is 1 inch and very accessible?

No. Gas meters tie into gas main individually. Each apartment will have to be piped to a separate gas meter and pressure regulator. Cost will vary.

What do you do to burn gas?
