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Find the distance from the earth to the moon, then the the distance from the earth to the sun, and simply subtract the both.

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Q: How much farther is the sun from earth than the moon from earth?
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How much farther is it from earth to your moon?

Not much further than it is from yours.

Where would you be if you traveled 6000000 miles into space?

Farther than the Moon, but still much closer to Earth than to any other planet.Farther than the Moon, but still much closer to Earth than to any other planet.Farther than the Moon, but still much closer to Earth than to any other planet.Farther than the Moon, but still much closer to Earth than to any other planet.

Is the moon higher than the stars?

No, the moon is closer to Earth than the stars. The stars we see in the night sky are typically much farther away than the moon.

Is the north star closer to the earth than the moon?

No, the North Star (Polaris) is much farther from the Earth than the Moon. The Moon is approximately 238,855 miles away from Earth, while Polaris is about 434 light-years away.

How much farther is the Sun from the Moon than the Earth?

The Earth and the Moon are an average of 384,000 kilometers apart. The Sun is always more than 350 times farther from either the Earth or the Moon, and usually more than 400 times as far. The Earth-Moon system orbits about 150,000,000 kilometers from the Sun. The Earth-Moon distance is between 362,570 and 405,410 kilometers. The Moon-Sun distance is between and 146,688,000 and 152,508,000 kilometers.

Why does mars appear smaller than the moon when seen from earth?

Mars is tremendously farther away from the Earth than the moon is.

How much farther is Jupiter from earth than the moon is from earth?

Dear Inquirer, The difference between the distance of Earth to the Moon (238,857 miles), and Earth to Jupiter (390,682,810 - 576,682,810 miles) is anywhere from: 390,449,953 mi (closest) to 576,443,953 mi (farthest apart) Signed, -CosmicShaman419

Are the stars farther than the moon?

Yes, stars are much farther away from Earth than the moon. The moon is approximately 238,855 miles away from Earth, while the closest star to Earth (Proxima Centauri) is about 4.24 light years away, which is significantly farther.

Why does the moon looks smaller from the earth?

The moon appears smaller when viewed from Earth because it is much farther away than it seems. Its distance causes it to appear smaller in comparison to objects on Earth.

Does the sun have less gravity than the earth and moon?

No. The sun's gravity is much stronger than that of Earth or the moon. However, its effect on the tides is less than that of the moon because it is much farther away. Tidal forces diminish with distance more quickly than the force exerted by gravity.

Is one star is between the earth and the moon?

No. The moon is the closest astronomical object to Earth. The closest star to Earth is the sun, which is about 400 times farther away than the moon. The next nearest star is more than 260,000 times farther away than the sun.

What is farther than the earth the moon or the sun?

Definitely the SUN. If the sun were where the moon is in relation to the earth, the earth would be consumed by the sun.