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It depends what I've eaten.

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Q: How much does uranus rotate per day?
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What does Uranus' tipped axis cause?

Uranus' tipped axis causes extreme seasons on the planet, with each pole experiencing 42 years of continuous sunlight followed by 42 years of darkness. This tilt also results in unusual magnetic field interactions and auroras.

How many earth years per day on Uranus?

there are zero earth years

How many times does a satetillite rotate per day?

Most satellites in low Earth orbit rotate around the Earth approximately 15 times per day. This means they orbit the Earth about every 90 minutes.

How far do stars rotate in a month if viewd at same the time?

Stars appear to rotate 360 degrees in the night sky in about 23 hours and 56 minutes (a sidereal day). So, in a month, they rotate about 30 times.

How fast does Uranus rotate around the sun?

Uranus is 1,783,950,480 miles from the sun, so Uranus takes about 84.01 Earth years to complete one revolution around the Sun. Light from the Sun takes about 160 minutes to reach Uranus. Hope it helps!!

How slow or fast does earth rotate?

The planet Earth rotates on its axis exactly once per day.

Is there any evidence of wind on uranus?

There is evidence of wind on Uranus. Wind speeds on Uranus can reach 560 miles per hour, or 900 kilometers per hour.

3 times a day?

3 time a day per a day do not feed them to much

What is the wind on Uranus?

Uranus wind speed is 250 meter per second.

how much soda do you drink per day?

once per day

How much does earth rotate on its axis?

360 degrees per 24 hours.

How much money do childcare get per day?

Not too much. Maybe £60 per day (I think)