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Endouver has a max cargo capacity of 55,250 pounds in its 60 by 15 ft cargo bay. This is representative of all US Space Shuttle orbiters.

Different orbiters have slightly different capacities, as some are heavier than others. External Tank types can also have an impact; some tanks are lighter than others. Lighter tanks can lift more weight.

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It depends on the specific type and size of shuttle, but typically a shuttle can carry between 10,000 to 30,000 pounds of cargo.

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How is the space shuttle different from rockets?

The space shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that can launch like a rocket but can also land like an airplane. Rockets are typically one-time use vehicles that are not designed to return to Earth intact. Additionally, the space shuttle can carry astronauts and cargo to space, whereas rockets are mainly used for payload delivery.

What was the mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia?

The primary mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia was to carry crew and cargo to space, support scientific research in microgravity, service satellites, and construct and maintain the International Space Station. It played a crucial role in advancing human spaceflight capabilities during its missions.

What are the 2 main functions of a space shuttle?

One main function is to manuver the shutles gas tanks so the shuttle could stay in space flying. The other function is to add more fenger-5 fuel to make the shuttle's materials work slowly which is important. There is your answer my young student.

Why are space shuttles called shuttles?

Space shuttles are called shuttles because they are designed to transport astronauts and cargo between Earth and space in a back-and-forth manner, resembling the shuttle-like movements. They can "shuttle" back and forth multiple times, unlike one-time-use rockets.

How much did the space shuttle cost?

The Space Shuttle program had an estimated cost of about $196 billion over its lifetime, from development to retirement in 2011. Each Space Shuttle mission was estimated to cost about $450 million.

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How is the space shuttle different from rockets?

The space shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that can launch like a rocket but can also land like an airplane. Rockets are typically one-time use vehicles that are not designed to return to Earth intact. Additionally, the space shuttle can carry astronauts and cargo to space, whereas rockets are mainly used for payload delivery.

What was the mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia?

The primary mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia was to carry crew and cargo to space, support scientific research in microgravity, service satellites, and construct and maintain the International Space Station. It played a crucial role in advancing human spaceflight capabilities during its missions.

How much weight can you put on a 1 ton?

The qualification one ton, means that the axles can carry up to one ton of cargo (and or have one ton on the tow hitch, not on the bumper but on a bolted on hitch receiver.)

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What does freighter?

It is a large cargo vessel used to carry goods across the oceans from one country to another.

What does one use a C17 Globemaster 3 for?

You're not going to use one. The entire production run was destined for the military. It's a cargo plane, so it's used to carry cargo and personnel.

Where can someone purchase cargo netting?

One can purchase cargo netting online at retailers such as Amazon. Amazon carries a huge selection of different types of cargo netting. Stores like Canadian Tire will also carry cargo netting, but the selection may be limited.

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How much weight of luggage one can carry to ahmedabad city from new delhi in spice jet flight in India?

hand luggage 7 kg & cargo 23 kg. total of 30 kg

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