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Q: How many total manned missions landed on the moon?
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How many times have you landed on the moon on manned missions?


How many missions had landed men on the moon before Apollo thirteen?

Two - Apollo 11 and 12. Apollo 13 would have been the third manned lunar landing.

How many missions have landed on the moon and what was their focus?

There were 6 landings total. They were all dedicated to exploration and science.

How many astronauts were on board On the manned Apollo missions?


How many Apollo missions was there?

17 total. 5 unmanned test flights, 12 manned flights (including Apollo 1 which was destroyed by fire on the pad). Of the manned flights there were 7 attemped moon landings, 6 of which were succesful.

Was there Soviets landing on the moon?

Yes. There were several Soviet Moon landings. The Soviet have had many missions to get a craft on the Moon and many failed.However, there was never an actual manned landing. The United Sates is the only country to ever conduct a manned landing.

How many spacecraft visited Jupiter?

No manned missions have gone farther away than the moon. If you mean space probes or satellites, I think three

How many Apollo missions took off after Apollo 13?

Apollo 14 landed at the site originally planned for Apollo 13. Apollo 15, 16 and 17 also landed on the Moon. Three crews flew to the Skylab space station using Apollo spacecraft, but they were named Skylab missions. The final mission, which used Apollo hardware but not go to the moon, flew as one of the two spacecraft that linked up in orbit with a Soviet crew in the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. This was the first manned international space mission. I saw that Apollo spacecraft launched from the Kennedy Space Center. This was the last American manned spaceflight until the Space Shuttle almost 6 years later.

How many does satellites have in space?

India has launched 56 satellites into space to date. Many of which have since completed their missions and are no longer operational, some have been landed.

How many missions were created by the US in the space race?

There were 11 mission created by the United States in the space race. Since the men landed on the moon, there have been over 100 space missions by NASA.

How many fatal missions for US manned spaceships IN space and what are the name or names of the ships?

There has not been a US fatality IN space, the only fatalities have been inside the earth's atmosphere

How many Apollo flights were initially planned?

The Apollo program initially included 13 manned lunar missions (Apollos 8-20). However, 18, 19, and 20 were canceled.