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Six Apollo missions landed astronauts on the moon between 1969 and 1972. A total of 12 astronauts have walked on the moon during these missions. Since then, no human has returned to the moon.

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How many times have astronauts visited Neptune?

None. No astronaut has gone farther than the moon. Neptune is murch farther away. Only one unmanned probe has visited Neptune: Voyager 2.

What will happen if an astronaut visited a planet?

Actually they already have visited a planet like the moon!

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Nobody. The only celestial object ever visited by astronauts is the moon.

How many times has neil Armstrong been on the moon?

Astronaut Neil Armstrong has been to the moon only once.

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Helen Sharman did not go to the moon. She was the first British astronaut and visited the space station Mir in 1991.

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Only two walked at a time on the moon.

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No. No astronaut has been to the Moon since 1972,

How many people have visited planets?

None have. The only astronomical body outside of Earth that people have visited is the moon. The nearest planet is something like 200 times FARTHER than that.

How many spaceships went to the moon?

A total of 9 spacecrafts visited the moon.

Who was the first astronaut to walk to the moon?

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.