The Earth spins once every 24hrs=1day. However the moon spins once every 4 weeks which is where you get the half, quarter, crescent and full moon.
It takes the earth to spin once on its axis 1 day i hope this helped :)
One full spin of Earth on its axis takes approximately 24 hours to complete, resulting in a day. This rotation causes the alternation of day and night as different parts of Earth receive sunlight.
around 7 times
No, due to the rotation of the Earth, different places experience day and night at different times. This is why we have different time zones around the world.
The spin of Earth causes day and night. The sun is visible from one hemisphere but not the other.
Once. One rotation of the earth is the equivalent and the root of a "day".
One spin is what measures the length of one day
saturn rotates 1.25 times in a earth day
One complete spin every 23hours 56minutes 4seconds (rounded) (1 and 1/365) spin every 24 hours
once, that is what determines a day
It spins all day (24 hours)
The earth spins around once every day for 365 days.
About 40-50 can jump at one time!!The world record is 7 spins at once.
one day
An average fly flyes around the world 12 times a day