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Astronauts aboard the International Space Station experience 16 sunrises and sunsets every 24 hours due to its orbit around Earth. This rapid cycle of day and night occurs because the station orbits Earth approximately once every 90 minutes.

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The number of astronauts on the space station can vary, but typically there are 6 astronauts on board the International Space Station at a time.

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How many astronauts have been in the International Space Station?

Over 240 astronauts from 19 different countries have visited the International Space Station since it was first launched in 1998.

How much money do astronauts who work at the International Space Station get paid?

Astronauts that work and live and the international space station can have a salary anywhere from $65,000 to $141,000 a year depending on the years of service.

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The International Space Station (ISS) typically houses six astronauts at a time. This number allows for efficient operation and management of resources on the station.

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No, there is no space station in Canada. However, Canada has contributed to the International Space Station (ISS) by providing technology, equipment, and astronauts.

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As of now (October 2021), there are seven astronauts aboard the International Space Station.

Where is a place where astronauts live and work in space?

thermosphere.....i think

What is the name space station that is orbiting the earth now?

The space station currently orbiting Earth is called the International Space Station (ISS). It serves as a research facility for various countries and is inhabited by astronauts from around the world.

Who lives in the ISS?

Astronauts from various countries live and work onboard the International Space Station (ISS). The crew typically consists of six astronauts at a time, who stay on the ISS for missions that usually last about six months.