The Hubble Space Telescope took about a decade to build, from the time its construction was initiated in the 1970s to its launch in 1990. Various delays and setbacks extended the construction timeline.
The Hubble Space Telescope was a collaborative effort involving thousands of engineers, scientists, and technicians. It was launched into space in 1990 after many years of design, construction, testing, and preparation. The telescope continues to be maintained and updated by a team of specialists on Earth.
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into space in April 1990, five years behind schedule, and it took about 20 years from conception to launch. The actual construction of the telescope in space took 10 days during its space shuttle servicing missions.
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 into space to take pictures the Earth and to relay them back to its ground crew. See the official Hubble Space Telescope website: ~ Hexedgirl92
There are a few reasons. When you watch the stars at night, you’ve seen how they twinkle. This is because of atmospheric distortion, and that really hampers the ability of telescopes on Earth to get clear images. Since the Hubble is above the atmosphere, it isn’t affected by atmospheric distortion - for Hubble, the stars don’t twinkle. Another reason is that Hubble doesn’t have to contend with light pollution. Telescopes are places in areas where they sky is affected as little as possible by light, but there’s always some light. Another is that Hubble can take very long exposures. Telescopes on Earth are limited to observations at night, but Hubble can take very long exposures, and can observe an object indefinitely.
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The Hubble Space Telescope took about a decade to build, from the time its construction was initiated in the 1970s to its launch in 1990. Various delays and setbacks extended the construction timeline.
720,000 people
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