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Between 173 and 286 miles, straight up.

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The International Space Station orbits approximately 250 miles above the Earth's surface.

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Q: How many miles to the International Space Station?
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How many miles does the International Space Station go around the earth?

The International Space Station orbits the Earth at an average altitude of about 250 miles (400 kilometers) and travels approximately 17,500 miles (28,000 kilometers) per hour. It completes an orbit around the Earth roughly every 90 minutes.

How many miles above does International Space Station orbit the earth?

The International Space Station orbits the Earth at an average altitude of about 250 miles (400 kilometers).

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Is many.

How many people have been in the International Space Station?

Since the International Space Station (ISS) was launched in 1998, over 240 individuals from 19 different countries have visited the space station. This includes astronauts, cosmonauts, and space tourists who have traveled to the ISS for various missions and expeditions.

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The International Space Station is called international because it is a collaborative project involving multiple countries. It was built by a partnership of space agencies from the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, and Canada, among others. This collaboration allows for shared resources, expertise, and research opportunities in space exploration.

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There are currently 15 partner nations involved in the International Space Station program. These partners include countries such as the United States, Russia, Japan, Canada, and several others. Each partner contributes resources and expertise to the operation and maintenance of the ISS.

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How many miles is the international space station?

The International Space Station orbits Earth at an average altitude of about 250 miles (400 kilometers) above the surface.

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