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30 floors, checkpoint at the first 15 floors. Pokemon that may appear: hippowdon, numel, camerupt, arbok, magmortar, aggron, mismagius, magcargo, flaereon, chimchar, torchic, combusken, and rhyperior, After you suffer that dungeon, you can then kill darkrai that haves like more than 1k of life

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Dark Crater in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon has 20 floors in total. It is the final dungeon in the main storyline of the game and presents a significant challenge to players.

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You can use Blender, and then get the PMD plugin to convert between blender and pmd formats. This is useful for bone rigging for PMD, because it's hard to rig bones in PMD editor in comparison to blender. I'm planning on making models this way. There's also metasequoia, but the free version is quite limited, and I have no idea where to convert it directly to pmd file because you have to convert it .x file to upload into PMD editor and make it .pmd.