The prime meridian encircles the entire earth, which means it is the same length as the earth's circumference, which is 24,901.55 miles.
One. Longitude is derived from the Prime Meridian. Values are measured in relation to this Prime Meridian as East or West longitude. If you withdraw this constant, Prime, then values are given in Positive, Zero, and Negative. The distance between degree's of longitude are also not exact from top to bottom. At the equator they are approx. 69 miles wide, as you go toward the poles they become smaller, with an example being at a Latitude of 45 degree's a degree of longitude is approx: 49miles wide. These can also be more specific in Minutes and Seconds. A good reference to obtain a better understanding would be:
Depending on your latitude and the date, the direction of sunrise ranges from MANY degrees north or south of East, to directly east. The sunrise in Maine at the Summer Solstice can be 40 degrees north of East, and as many degrees south at midwinter. If you are close to the equator, then the sunrise is never all that far off of East.
It is 550 degrees at the centre of the Sun.
Most of it is at 180 degrees.
Shanghai, China is approximately 121 degrees east of the Prime Meridian, which is the internationally recognized marker of 0 degrees longitude.
The prime meridian (designated as zero) runs from pole to pole, passing through the Greenwich Observatory, London, England. Lines of longitude to the east of the prime meridian are so many degrees east, and to the west of the Prime Meridian are so many degrees west.
Botswana occupies the whole range of longitudes from 20° to 29.3° East of the Prime meridian.
New Zealand ranges in longitude between roughly 166.47° East to 178.55° East. Longitude is measured from the Prime Meridian, so those are the angles if you start at the Prime Meridian and travel eastward. Traveling westward from the Prime Meridian, the corresponding angles are 181.45° and 193.53° .
The city of Dubai, located in the United Arab Emirates country in the Middle East. The coordinates are 25¡18'N, 55¡20'E, which puts it 55 degrees east of the Prime Meridian.
The Greenwhich meridian also Prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude and International Date Line roughly follows the 180° longitude or antimeridian. The antimeridian is the meridian which is 180° east or west of the Prime Meridian.
many african cities
many african cities
Distance East or West of the prime meridian is measured in degrees of longitude.
You would need to travel 360 degrees east to return to the prime meridian.
180 degrees in each direction.