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Q: How many countries have sent probes to the moon?
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How many probes were sent to the moon?

A total of 101 missions have been launched to the Moon by various countries since the 1950s. These missions include both orbiters and landers that have been sent to study the Moon's surface, geology, and composition.

How many probes can be sent to the moon?

about 67 at a time

Has Pakistan been to the moon?

No. As of this writing, the only country that has sent men to the moon is the U.S.A. However, a number of other countries/agencies have sent robotic probes and orbiters to the moon including Russia, Japan, the European Space Agency, China, and India.

What were space probes sent to the moon for?

Space probes sent to the moon were designed to gather data and conduct scientific experiments to study the moon's surface, geology, and atmosphere. They also helped to prepare for manned missions to the moon, such as the Apollo missions.

Did the Russians really go to the moon?

No. The Russians have sent unmanned probes, but the only manned missions to the moon were American.

Is the US the only country to go to the moon?

No, the United States is not the only country to have gone to the moon. The Soviet Union also successfully conducted missions to the moon, with their Luna programme achieving several landings and robotic missions in the 1950s and 1970s.

How many space probes have been sent to explore Venus?

there has been 16 probes that had been sent to venus.

How has exploration of space been done beyond the moon?

NASA has sent probes to Mars, which is much further from Earth than the Moon.

How many countries have had people walk on the moon?

Only one country has successfully landed astronauts on the moon, which is the United States. The Apollo 11 mission in 1969 was the first mission to achieve this feat, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin becoming the first humans to walk on the lunar surface.

What countries sent space probes to investigate Halley's comet?

The USSR, Russia, USA, the EU, Britain and Japan. the last two did not succeed with their missions.

What countries have put men on the moon?

The United States is the only nation that has landed a man on the moon, however, Russia has sent probes to the moon, things like that, and have attempted to put Russians on the moon, but the rocket crashed during takeoff. In layman's terms, the only country that put a man on the moon is the US.

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